262MC Formats Production: Introductory Task 3

Task 3

Research a murder story with a Coventry connection (past or present). Find a story that intrigues you!

Real-Life Murder Example: The murder of Carol Wardell

Information about the murder: Gordon Wardell [1]

In short, Carol Wardell was a 39-year old business manager from Meriden (in the West Midlands). She married her husband Gordon Wardell in 1982 at the Holy Trinity  Church in Coventry, but could never conceive children.

On the 12th of September 1994 Carol Wardells life came to an abrupt end. As a passing motorist witness her dead body lying on a grass verge on Weddington Road (the A444)

Prior suspicions of the investigation began to evolve when Carol’s husband was found gagged and beaten in his own house that same day. With Carol’s place of work also being ransacked completely with no explanation as to why. Following these events, the police started to interrogate the husband who claimed that his wife and him, were robbed by a man in a clown mask, with his wife being taken away.  This was later confirmed to be false, but what kind of monster would kill their own wife, and create a backstory (inflicting pain on themselves) in order to cover up what they really did?

For me, what’s intriguing about this story is the way it which events were fabricated completely by the husband himself. For example, how he ‘set-up’ the whole thing in order to rob money from his wife’s workplace. It’s not only disturbing how he went about in doing this but it’s also shameful how he presented himself within the media (see video below) as an ‘innocent victim’ of robbery (which as we know now definitely was not the case).


[1] BBC (2008) Killers who cry crocodile tears. Available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7288543.stm (Accessed: 28 September 2016).
(BBC, 2008)
[2] DarkAngelOfHellingly (2012) Idiot murderer’s phoney plea to catch wife’s killer. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgOJJQF3oMA (Accessed: 28 September 2016).
(DarkAngelOfHellingly, 2012)

262MC Formats Production: Introductory Task 2

Task: Listen to the different types of speech content (quizzes, debates, documentaries, or dramas) produced by your local radio station local (BBC stations are a good example).  Write an analytical summary about one of these types of programme considering the research that’s gone into the programme and the production techniques (presentation, editing, sound fx) that have been used to make it.

Chosen case study: The Surgery with Gemma and Dr Radha[1] (wed 31st of August interview) (BBC Radio One 9pm)

First off, the programme starts off with a short intro by both presenters. Both are professionals in their own right. The intro is funny yet engaging, it allows the viewers to get comfortable before committing to a one hour talk about “first impressions” discussed  in The Surgery with Dr Radha and Gemma. Furthermore, the intro establishes a short list of conversational points, which both presenters will delve into, with further emphasis made on audience participation and interaction.

The title fits well into the programmes running order. This is because when viewers call in, they are asked about their situation and symptoms towards it, rather their own experience with ‘first impressions’. Thus almost formulating a very surgical layout, as the presenters are treating the programme as an outlet for viewers to dip into. Further creating a space for them to be involved in ‘the surgery’ to share their thoughts and feelings to the situation and the resolvement of it.

In terms of the research for the programme, I would say the following was considered: First off, as the programme is very ‘audience’ centred prior research may have been done before the programme. However, mainly Dr Radhas experiences may have contributed to the programmes content as she’s a professional in dealing with patients problems. Thus is an expert in finding the right remedies and giving the right advice. Therefore her presence on the show, alongside the radio host for BBC radio one Gemma Jones adds a comedic flare to the sensitive subject matter. Altogether, both presenters work in harmony within the surgery, sharing their thoughts and opinions between each other and even with the audience in a personal yet understanding way. Thus in this way allowing listeners to feel at ease, when phoning in or even listening to all views within the show.

Production Techniques

For the shows presentation, I would say it’s a very simple format. This is because the subject is presented sensitively but also positively, as both sides of the argument are touched upon. It’s one which encourages and praises audience participation, further drawing on BBC’s official advice page (advertised at the end of the show). Another reason, which adds to its simplicity is that as its a radio programme the listeners rely soley on voice, thus if it is inviting, impactful and informative then they are more inclined to listen to the show, especially as they are briefed before the programme on the shows educative element so forth.

Finally, the sound effects used in the programme are very simple yet recognisable. This is because it is a BBC radio one programme, thus its signature sound is used throughout, adding to audience recognisability. Furthermore, the show also includes music tracks (current to past). This breaks up the show nicely as it gives the listeners time to breathe in before they hear more about the subject matter. It also means that presenters can have a breather for a little while before continuing on with the show.

To conclude, I would say thorough research was done beforehand precisely. This is because facts were distributed throughout the show in a clear and concise manner. They were also short and fitting to each situation, keeping the listeners on hook attentively. Furthermore, the presentation of the programme was very easy to follow. This was because facts were presented and discussed presenter to presenter, then fed back to the listeners who may have called in. With special appearances from real-life reality stars, offering their own views on the situation, as far as they can relate. Further offering a uniqueness to the programme, as they are bringing in celebrity power in short doses, giving audiences reliability alongside professional figures in terms of situations which are analysed and deconstructed in accordance with the main topic matter, in this case, First Impressions.



[1] BBC Radio One and BBC (2016) The Surgery with Gemma and Dr Radha: First Impressions. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07qbsvx#play (Accessed: 30 September 2016).

262MC Formats Production: Introductory Task 1

Task: Choose one TV Formats program and write a blog post considering what the key ingredients that make the programme unique and successful are.

Chosen case study: Pop Idol


Official Pop Idol Logo [1]


First of a TV format can be described as the total package of information and know-how

that increases the adaptability of a programme in another place and time (Moran A. Global TV) [2] 

In simple terms, it combines a particular set of information and redistributes it in various different versions. For example, Pop Idol is a TV format as its one total package which has been reformulated in different languages and versions. Some versions include American Idol and Indian Idol to name a few.

Simon Fuller’s Pop Idol (2001-3) although only running for three seasons certainly created a buzz when it was released in the UK. Considering the show was pre X factor, it certainly provided viewers with a lot of entertainment as they rallied for each artist performing particular songs which they’d felt would get them through to the final. The show’s unique selling point was its ability in putting audience participation and viewer voting on the front line. This was incredibly risky as it meant the number of viewers not only created a particular buzz for the programme but also kept it afloat. As the shows, dependency and votes were in high demand due to the programmes themes and nature of the audience voting for a young star to be the next Pop Idol.

In terms of the show’s unique selling point, I would say they were many. One main factor would have to be the style of the show. During 2001 there weren’t many talent contests out there on British TV. Thus with the entry of Pop Idol, many watched in awe and delight, seeing young individuals perform, with their place lying solely in the audiences hands. It was the successful formula which involved the audience/viewers having the power to eliminate acts through call-ins.

Another aspect of the shows uniqueness would have to be its presenters. Now known as Britains best-loved entertainment presenters, Ant and Dec were much younger when they started Pop Idol, but what was clear from seeing the dynamic duo on screen was they certainly had personality and charisma between them (see above clip [3]). From the example above, we can see how both introduce the show, as they are extremely connected with the viewers/audience members as they make them feel settled and entertained from the get go. One other quality which is apparent from the clip above is their presenting style, as they are relaxed and very comedic. It’s there ability to be very quirky in moderation that allows the viewer to feel very at ease with their extremely likeable presence.

Finally, as far as the programmes succession I would reference the audience here again.  This is because this show (in particular) depended on audience feedback, votes and even views, considering it was very tailored towards audiences reactions to the performers on screen. This was further helped by the judges themselves, in particular, Mr Simon Cowell. Although Mr Cowell had not started X-Factor yet, he was still very acknowledged throughout the programme. Mainly due to his judging fashion and how he presented himself (i.e his repetitive clothing). He was a man of a few words when he needed to be then he would be a man of many when someone would perform, unlike anything he’d seen before. In short, he was a true talent spotter as he knew what he wanted from the acts and how to nurture it from them. This is just one reason why Cowell’s status grew over the years, as he stayed true to himself and his words making him honest and sometimes mean as he spoke his feelings whatever they’d be.

Lastly, the show’s success was proved ‘global’ with many editions being made of it after its UK run. Establishing it as a true TV format, with many of its versions becoming extremely successful. Most prominently American Idol (2002-2016), which featured Cowell as the main judge. It was this process of Pop Idol being reformulated in various format versions (i.e different languages), which truly led to its longevity and success throughout the years.


[1] stv.tv and Imagebase (no date) Pop Idol (official image). Available at: http://files.stv.tv/imagebase/181/623×349/181982-pop-idol-logo.jpg (Accessed: 27 September 2016).

[2]Moran, A. and Malbon, J. (2006) Understanding the global TV format. Portland, OR: Intellect Books.[1]
[3] Irma (2011) Pop idol intro with ant & Dec and an interview with the judges. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu_7gQ5qpVM (Accessed: 27 September 2016).

201MC:Geese Theatre Nursing I-Doc Summer Opportunity (reflection)

201MC:Geese Theatre Nursing I-Doc Summer Opportunity (reflection)

Duration: Summer 2016- Winter 2017 (2 Months +)

Over the summer, I was presented with the opportunity by one of my lecturers to take part in an Interactive Documentary project. Before I got on board, I was quite anxious and a little nervous as I had not done something like this before. However upon receiving a lot of information on the project, and details regarding my role I soon became very intrigued with the whole concept and so forth.

Essential Documents/Timesheet:

participant-information-sheet-copypost-module-surveypre-module-surveyresearch-question-areas-and-prompts i-doc-project-timesheet

Before starting the project, there were some concerns raised regarding my role. This was due to my location of where I was set. Considering that I was back home, thus the distance to Coventry would have been quite long. Luckily online cloud storage, helped me to receive the files on a weekly basis. This further proved useful, when I upgraded my cloud storage to 100GB as I managed to receive even more files than the standard storage usage.However as soon as the files came to me swiftly, my job as ‘editor’ became exciting and challenging.

In short, the project involved editing footage which focused on Geese Theatre Company giving a play to nursing students on mental health etc. The footage focused on The Faculty of Health and Life Sciences holding lectures for the students. Further capturing their thoughts and feelings on the whole project. To my understanding this was so The Faculty of Health and Life Sciences could use the final video as a way of promoting the Faculty and reaching out to new nursing students etc. But to also give those who are already students, some valuable information within the video, by including some footage from Geese Theatre Company.

Geese Theatre Company

Based at the Midlands Arts Centre, and working to develop theatre as a rehabilitative and motivational tool within the Criminal Justice System.[1]

Feedback/Progress Emails

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Draft 1

Amended Draft

Final Draft (Phase 1)

Upon creating various edits, I made sure to create separate bins for all files beforehand. This helped me to stay organised in the editing process, as everything was labelled and clear. Further helping me to pick and choose clips from the following categories which I labelled the folders as. For example Geese Theatre Performance, Week 1, 2 etc. One highlight of the editing process would have to be receiving the footage. This was because I was given enough freedom to experiment and try out different narratives or even sequences for the I-Doc itself. Further offering me scope to not only brush up on my editing skills but to also gain crucial and critical feedback from those involved in the project, to boost the overall quality of the short film and its sequence order.

Geese Theatre Company (Exclusive Clip)


Overall, upon reflecting on the project I would say I have learn’t alot. I have grasped the importance of time frame and feedback, managed to organise all the clips I recieevd quickly and efficently. Furthermore I took on feedback encouraging, making sure to push myself in meeting the project co-ordinator(s) needs and expectations. Whilst also keeping in regular contact with the file transferer and others involved in the project, giving me a greater idea of the importance of team work and organisation.

For next time, I would try an anticipate the duration of the project and where it would be best to be. Further maybe involving myself in the filming process, granted my location is nearby. Overall I would still carry my enthusiasm, focus and charisma to future projects. As I felt that although this was my first big summer project, I really dived into it straight away, gaining valuable skills and insights along the way.

Full Reference


A few months after I had completed the assignment (November 2016), I was contacted by one of the supervisors on the ‘Geese Theatre PBL project’, who I expressed some suggestions for one final edit. Upon receiving the email, I swiftly brought up the last edit on my mac and started to amend all within the video, in order for a swift turn over upon sending footage to Danai herself.


Final Edit: Geese Theatre (Final Edits)

After receiving feedback on the edit, a few changes were suggested to tailor video more specifically. Upon going back to the video itself, a few problems arose. The main one being that some clips had merged audio files, thus the audio in particular clips did not match the specific image. Although it took some time, to re-loop some clips, I managed to keep my workflow organised. Attached below include all email grabs and the final edit itself (in various formats).

Final Version: FINAL version I-Doc

After sending over draft, further amendments had to be made. Although this took longer than planned, due to footage unlinking itself. I still managed to send over all in due time as quick as possible. This was appreciated highly from the main collaberator of the project(Katherine) who admired my time management skills and my attention to detail.

I-Doc Geese Theatre Professional Video 3: Final Final Edit

In terms of sorting out the final film to be interactively integrated, I used the following site ‘Storygami’. Upon reflecting on using the site, I had a lot of fun adding in all the interactive elements. Further adding in extra content to really boost the overall film. As I’ve used this tool before, the whole process ran fluidly and swiftly in me completing my time on the Geese Theatre project over the course of 7 weeks +, running from Summer 2016 all the way to Winter 2016.

Screen grabs + final film


Storygami Version:

Storygami Edit (Geese Theatre PBL Project)


[1] Geese theatre company (no date) Available at: http://www.geese.co.uk/ (Accessed: 22 September 2016).

[2] Geese Theatre Company (2015) Geese theatre company training and conferences. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC8zEUxHlsw (Accessed: 22 September 2016).

Bridget Jone’s Baby (2016)- A Short Film Review

Bridget Jone’s Baby (2016)- A Short Film Review

Britains hapless romantic is back, alongside her Mr Darcy. But will certain events bring them together again, or will there be another Mr Right who may enter the scene at the same time? Will a bun in the oven complicate things even more, surely not right? What if you had ‘similar relations’ with two “Darcys”?

Oh Bridgit nothing is ever simple!

In the third instalment, we see Bridget in a whole new avatar. She’s chic, savvy, confident and funny. Not to mention, her new job is extremely elite, she’s  finally made it big (well a little). A singleton in her new job, Bridget may still  manage to gravitate towards an old flame, or will a new alliance change her mind?

My initial expectations of the film were quite low, as I had not seen the first two instalments. Luckily, after seeing the trailer a bit of background was offered to me.

Upon seeing the film, one is immediately drawn to the stellar cast (following the previous films), with the exemption of Hugh Grant not reprising his role. Alongside a Bridget Jones newbie Greys Anatomy’s Patrick Dempsey.

In short, the narrative follows a much older Bridget settling into her new life, and holding her own. She’s still her old self, just a little more glam and extra clumsy. Her hopes of a ‘normal straightforward’ life, seem to always fade, as she certainly attracts drama.

In conclusion, I would say watch the third instalment of one of Britains well loved romantic franchises. It’s sure to make you feel nostalgic as you’ll welcome Bridget back to your screens after such a long time. For me, Renee Zellweger really exuberates lots of personality, as she’s extremely relatable as a character. Which is probably why she has become a household name over the years for starring in ‘The Bridget Jones’ series.

Get ready to swoon, laugh,cry and jump for joy all at the same time. If you watch one british rom-com this year, makes sure its this one as Renee Zellwegers comeback, certainly will not disappoint. Not to mention you’ll get to see the still dashing Mr darcy appear on your screen (played by Britains smartest Colin Firth).

Welcome back Bridget!

My rating: 9/10

See the official trailer here:


1) primogif.com (no date) Bridget Jones GIF. Available at: http://media1.giphy.com/media/uJkEMJF0BzT0I/giphy.gif (Accessed: 20 September 2016).
2) Universal Pictures (2016) Bridget Jones’s baby – official trailer (HD). Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJsvmscPY9w (Accessed: 20 September 2016).