Namaste and welcome everyone! Let me start off by introducing you all to my site. First off, I am a media production student studying at Coventry University. My passions include dancing, songwriting, and badminton, I also love to read (when I get the time).

For assignments/submissions please use the MENU bar, with the first tab including all critical blog posts for the 262MC FORMATS MODULE (CW1 Tasks +).

See my latest films reviews, ranging from classics, indie films, foreign films to latest blockbusters here. Be sure to check in with my ‘Five Ideas’ section, by following the MENU bar at the top right corner of my blog to stay up to date.

*Please look out for the odd book review which I may randomly post time to time :D.

Check out my Bollywood dance videos here (via Vimeo):

  1. Nagada Sang Dhol- A.Patel
  2. Maar Dala- A.Patel

Follow/view my official website here: WithEveryBeatMyFeetDance (A.Patel)

Follow my work here: My Work (Ashish P)

Check out my photography, on Instagram below:

This blog not only acts as a companion aid to my course but it also acts as a platform where I’ll express my thoughts and happenings on a weekly basis. This may range from things I have observed to something which I have long been interested in.

Let me end by saying that I hope you enjoy my blog. Please feel free to comment on any of my blog posts/follow me. I would love to hear what you guys think about my ideas and reflections.


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