105MC: Narrative Worksheet

Task (Out My Window task)

Sheet (screenshot below)


Task (Out My Window Interactive Doc.)

Each high-rise is different to the other. Whilst each individual/couple have brought in their own style, which reflects in their houses. The narrative is all about learning information regarding those who live in high-rise buildings. It’s about seeing how they reflect their experiences and their soul into their own highrises. Thus audiences are shown round by the touch of their fingers through the keypad. Making them see all the different high-rise properties in various locations.

  • I would say the narrative does work as it uses real people. However I wouldn’t necessarily call them characters as such. Considering they are letting the audiences into their houses interactively. They have not learnt a script, thus are true in what they say as it’s their own words and only theirs. Furthermore this interactive documentary doesn’t really follow a traditional narrative. The main reason being because the audience can choose where they want the story to go. For example they can explore each high-rise house interactively or they can even get involved themselves. Furthermore the website includes the NFB (national film board of Canada) which has a page on films done by them on this particular website. Furthermore “Out My Window” is part of a series of interactive documentaries (see background information) which come together as ‘Highrise’. Thus the narrative is seen to evolve with all of them together.
  • The navigation includes the audience finding out more about the project and also the NFB too. Whilst the interactive features include: Seeing inside each high-rise building (360 degrees), learning about each place, interacting with the profiles of the people on the site too and finding out about the director.
  • I would say there are no differences considering that those involved were contacted individually through Skype. Furthermore what they say is not scripted, thus they are using their own words. However this is not to say bits were not added in as they might have been in the final cut. (see background information)

For background Information please visit link below:
