Evaluation of my 4-week project

These last 4 weeks have taught me a lot in terms of production values and working in a team. This project has not only been challenging but it’s also been fun. It’s helped me to try things that I wouldn’t have had the courage to try before. For example filming a whole scene for the first time, working on promotion and compiling together some elements of a script. Furthermore it’s true what they say, there is no “I” in “Team”. One thing, which I’ll treasure, includes the material that I filmed. Considering my footage was used near the end where the ‘victim’ has an out-of-body experience (which I filmed). Thus was very pleased with the outcome of the shot, as I’d never properly filmed a full sequence before that moment.

To start off with I will be talking about my groups final product (please follow link to see full video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnGM9bweDQI

Upon screening our short film we received the following feedback. The positives were mainly towards the sound as the audience felt it was very well done and added a lot of meaning and character to our final film. Furthermore they liked the cinematography. In particular the opening scene as it had good exposure and was shot very well. They also appreciated the editing as they said it was very slick and polished. However some criticism was aimed towards the props, in particular the gun that the ‘killer’ used. This was because the audience felt that it was to ‘cliché, as many movies with action feature guns. This really made me think about this as I could understand this persons particular opinion as many associate guns with action etc. Thus for us to break past the stereotypes of the action genre we could have chosen another way in which the ‘killer’ attacks the victim’. Another thing which was brought up concerned the lighting. This was where the ‘killer’ points his gun at the ‘victim’. Here the audience felt the shot was not exposed properly. Considering you can only just make out the gun. Thus it would’ve been beneficial if we used a flashlight near Dido to expose the gun in a clearer light. They also expressed some confusion to the story as they didn’t really know who was narrating. Thus felt we included too many enigma’s in our story, though through engaging at the same time.

If I were to do this project again then I would definitely use more secondary research such as films, tv shows etc. In order to draw more of an evident inspiration from them to use from the project. However there was one film which I did use as inspiration before the project started. This film was ‘Before I Go To Sleep(2014)’ starring Nicole Kidman and Colin Firth. This film really inspired me as it featured many enigma’s within it. Which were used a lot in the final film which me and my group produced.

Another thing I’d do would be to maybe work in a smaller group. Considering that my group had nine people. Thus proved quite challenging at times in making sure all had a role as some were not very ‘enthusiastic’ to involve themselves more into the project. I’d also make sure to delegate the paperwork out to particular people. So that we could all work on the call sheet to the shooting log separately and then come together as a collaborative if they were any issues. This would save time and keep us very organized in keeping on top of the paperwork.

In assessing my own performance I would say that I was authoritative, organized and compassionate throughout. As I made sure that everyone was happy with what they were doing, whilst organizing group meets and staying on top of my production diary too. However for next time I’d say that I should learn to take a back seat once in a while. In order to let others take charge or even encourage them too. In order for them to boost up their confidence, whilst pushing them to also . Furthermore I’d print off all the production sheets right at the start in order to distribute them between everyone or even talk about them to the group. In order for them to know what needs to be filled out when. Considering that the paperwork we collect goes towards our grade. Thus is very important if we are to secure a high 2-1 etc.

Video stills (below)of main shots within film (which the audience liked):

For them these shots really emphasized the story at large as they stood out among the rest. Especially the second photo (left) as it gives the impression of a person being operated on. Thus sets the whole story into motion and brings in the first enigma of why the person is there in the first place. Furthermore the third shot with the newspaper cutting establishes ‘the villain’ in a particular light. Making it clear to the audience what’s gone down.

Screen Shot 2015-10-23 at 10.01.38 AM Screen Shot 2015-10-23 at 10.01.50 AM Screen Shot 2015-10-23 at 10.02.07 AM

160MC: Lecture (4WP: Week 4)

Todays lecture talked about marketing and distributing. My notes from the lecture have been attached below:



From todays lecture I learn’t how to go about promoting and distributing a film. I also learn’t about ‘press packs’ and the significance of them.

Furthermore I came to understand how a film may still be successful if its promoted really well. Even if the actual end product isn’t that good.

Overall this particular lecture was engaging and interesting. As it gave me valuable tips to take on board when distributing and promoting a film which I may be a part of.

The strengths and weaknesses of our 4 week project.

As week 3 is drawing to an end with week 4 commencing soon. I thought it best to reflect upon the strengths and weaknesses of my groups project so far.

First off, during the last weeks I have learnt alot and also done alot too. Although I was in charge of drafting up the first rough script, I still involved myself in other things. For example I worked on the camera for one of the ‘purgatory’ scenes/night scenes too (the chase), did make-up for one of the main characters, drew up an agenda list weekly, scheduled daily meetings and worked on Promotion too with my team member Jana (with Dido contributing near the end). I also created a pitch for our group, which involved us asking our peers some rhetorical questions (e.g what if there was no where to go? Would you run? Etc).

For me these roles really helped me with my confidence. Considering during many occasions I took charge and made sure all knew what they had to do. Furthermore working behind the camera was a very challenging experience as i’ve never filmed anything before. Thus this really pushed me to learn from those who had. For example Liam gave me some advice when filming which I took on board and used. For example: “keep everything in the shot and keep camera steady etc”.

For me the role where I was in my element was when I was promoting the film with Jana. During this time we put together posters and edited them, whilst gaining feedback from each other. This was really good as we teamed together to really make our audience aware of our film using twitter and instagram and also facebook for this.

However one piece of advice I’d tell myself to use next time would probably be to let others organize things. This is because I took control in organising meets and designating roles too. As it’s in my nature to know what everyone’s doing to bringing all together at the right time. Thus in passing the reigns along I could learn from others how their management skills fair to mine.

The strengths (group):
– Allowed everyone to involve themselves in more than one role. Thus learning new things and helping others too.

– Kept to timescales and met daily/weekly.
– Came together as a team in deciding how we wanted our film to look etc.

– Some team members didn’t involve themselves enough.
– Some confused others by not speaking up. Thus disrupting the storys/groups flow etc.

Promotion continued (-16th plus 19th Oct. 2015)

Today we organised another meet at 1pm. Me an Jana continued constructing the images needed for promotion. I then told her to put them on twitter when possible. Also to email the pictures to me when she could, for me to promote via instagram.


We then decided on organising our meets through facetime. This would commence around 4. During our chat Jana sent over the poster, in order for me to promote it. Dido also volunteered to help us with promotion too, branching the posters out to his friends etc.

Out of context poster by Jana

The image above will be used for our out of context idea. Which will involve us posting this image on various sites, leaving the audience to wonder what its about. Thus not giving anything away just yet, but creating enough buzz to get the audience excited about our film.

I then saved my poster and tweeted/instagramed all content. In order to further promote our film. Allan also agreed to create a short teaser for our film too.

By Ashish Patel
By Ashish Patel

This was followed by me editing Jana’s poster by adding in the credits.

Images below (includes original plus credit version)

By Jana
By Jana
Edited Version by Ash
Edited Version by Ash

After this was done I sent the credits to the group to see what they thought. I then finished up the final touches and decided that I’d publish posters on the ‘Demons Within’ account very soon.

Final poster below (which I tweeted through our @DemonsWithinCU page). As you can see the poster really captures the dark theme of the story signified through the colours and the dramatic low lighting. This is further signified with one of the main characters being on the poster.

Allan then created a teaser for us (which I promoted through twitter):
Demons Within: Teaser

For me this teaser was dramatic and suspenseful. It also didn’t give too much away so I thought it worked well. Furthermore I felt the audiences will be engaged with it as it teases them to watch our final piece.

Another teaser was created by Liam. Who wanted to do another one in his own style (attached below). This one is more subtle than the other, without giving much away. It also draws out the heartbeat sound which features in our film at the start.
Demons Within (Teaser 2 extended)

As I was ill today due to a severe headache I made sure to update the guys. They then met around 11, with Jana updating me after. I then decided to print off everything (i.e Storyboard) the next day.

” Today we met up, I had a quick look at some of the stuff Liam’s edited, he also needed a fake newspaper article so I photoshopped one. Editings looking really good from what ive seen :). I’ve started writing another blog post on our progress. Also I mentioned the shot list to the guys and they said we pretty much already have it I think? As for promotion, I dont think we actually have that much left to do? Pretty much just continuing to tweet :)”

4 Week Project (week 3): Promotion

Today we met in the library to discuss promotion and to look over some footage.

Duration: 2 hours (3pm to 5pm)

Attendance: Liam and Eddie did not attend todays session due to work. Whilst Matt was unavailable. He however messaged us after to brief us on his skills etc.

First off, I transferred all the footage I got from Liam onto Allan’s laptop. I also transferred my poster edit and Jana’s to him too. He then added all his files plus mine and Jana’s to his central dropbox for us all to access.

We then looked at some of the footage discussing how the lighting looked along the way.  Liam was then contacted for me to get his edit from him. I then replied in order to meet him tomorrow to get the footage and show the others. I also considered getting the footage and transferring it to adobe premiere cc via an xml format. Whilst also considering downloading final cut pro for 30 days on trial.

After this we then focused on promotion, writing down what needed to be done next.


  • Follow through on editing the posters. Make sure to include director, actors, assistants, date etc.
  • Create out of context idea (liaison with Jana)
  • Construct twitter account (for Demons Within)
  • Start to create ‘write a letter to your darkest demons’ on twitter. In order for audience to involve themselves actively in the promotion of our film, tie’s in with the idea above. In that the audience can tweet their responses to @demonswithin

I then met Liam and Eddie at night as they were editing. We all decided to split up those who wanted to do film and sound between Eddie (sound) and Liam (editing). Whilst leaving me and Jana on promotion with anyone else who wanted to be with us. This was followed by sceduling a meet with the group on thurs between our lecture and after 4 on that day.

October 14th:
Today me and Jana carried on with promoting our groups film. She set up the official twitter page for our film “Demons Within”, whilst making me an admin too. This mean’t that I could access the account whenever. I first started by creating the ‘send a sentence to your darkest demons’ idea. This was followed by me recieving a message from my sister which included a song in it. I then tweeted the song (The Wanted- Demons) through the @DemonsWithinCU page saying thank you to her. Thus promoting film buzz in this way. Buzz was further created by me publishing Jana’s poster along with tweeting some phrases which go along with our film ‘Demons Within’.








Today we went over production rolls. Making sure those who wanted to edit film /sound got a chance too. Whilst for promotion, me and Jana continued to tweet etc.

We then presented our soundscape in the workshop. The main feedback we got from our lecturer(s) was that we should emphasise the chase sequence. As this would capture the ‘victims’ fear even more etc.

4 week project: Promotion

In regards to our 4 week project and promotion, my team member Jana blog posted  how we’ll go about promoting and distributing our groups film:

Link to her blog (please follow): Jana Soltisik

Note: Please find blog post about promotion and distribution to read full post, from link above.

In regards to creating the posters, I started drafting some ideas yesterday. The second poster below was done by my team member as referenced in the caption.


By Jana Soltisik
By Jana Soltisik

In seeing these posters me and Jana deliberated our feelings on both posters. For the first one Jana said “It sticks to the conventional horror stuff, which is good, all about the blood, the blackness and the red text.” Now although our groups film fits under psychological thriller, there are some horror elements to it like death and blood which are to do with the main character going into purgatory (Eddie).

However upon critiquing my own work I mentioned how I felt the title reminded me of “The Rocky Horror Show”, thus found it may not really fit into our pieces theme. However as this was my first draft of this poster I kept it how it was, in order to show the whole group later to get their views on the construction of the whole poster. What I did like from mine was what it portrayed considering that it showcases isolation and also in some ways the character being in purgatory. As the background is all black, thus signifying this to the audience straight away. Whilst the construction of the character not showing his face adds the enigma of “what happened here”. Considering that no sign or indication is given as to why the character cannot look at the audience, further adding suspense to the story and the audience’s reaction upon eventually watching the short film for all its entirety.

Whilst for the second poster I commented on the font and the color of the image. Considering that I felt it brought out the dark side of the character on show, whilst also inviting the audience in. As the gun is pointing directly at them, acting as a warning to them that this particular character doesn’t do nice or play by the books.

Furthermore upon constructing my poster all images used were original, with the image that Jana used being original too. This meaning that they were taken by me. As I sent over some pictures to Jana for her to use after I edited mine.

Lastly I believe the feedback we got from each other regarding the posters helped us to think more about our actual film. Considering that I may have not felt something else was needed, when it actually was. Thus in discussing promotion and distribution (Jana’s blog), we managed to think about what to do next. Thus what was mentioned included a) Telling the whole group about the promotion of our film and b) Gathering some more ideas regarding the images and composition of the posters etc.

Furthermore the first idea I had regarding promotion, involved users posting a sentence on twitter (social media platform suggested by Matt) rather than a paragraph on fb entailing what their darkest demons are. This would generate buzz for our film, not to mention word of mouth can also be added here in promoting our film even further.

Thus our approach in regard to promoting and distributing will be an active approach, requiring the audience to involve themselves into our film, in order for it to be more suspenseful and enjoyable not only for them but also for us too (the makers and creators of the film itself).

4 Week Project (week 2)

Filming Day (7th to 8th of Oct. 2015)

Today we went over locations and sorted out props. We then went to the media loan shop and took out a green screen plus clips. We then set everything up in order to start filming. Followed by us getting the tripod. Next we tested out the green screen, with me placing myself in front of it. Liam then tried it out by placing a picture of the NHS behind me. Showing us after what it looked like.

Villain (Dido), test shots:


Location pictures (up one floor from Journalism 1, Ellen Terry building)


Attendance: Me, Liam, Jana, Dido and Jeremie. Eddie (attended after 11:30 due to job interview). Reena, Matt and Allan: Not in attendance.

Dido: Script (with images)

You think what I did was cruelty? No, it was justice for the lives you destroyed. What you did that night.

The man begins seeing flashes of articles detailing a drunken hit and run of which he was acquitted.


That sets the game into motion. Now think about how we feel. No-one focuses on the victims, only the killer. Well tonight I’m getting my moment. You form a small part of it but don’t think for a second, that after this I’m done. I will always haunt you in your darkest nightmares, even after I’m gone. Wherever you run, I’ll find you. I’ll be right here. Your demons will never die…

I also filmed some of Dido’s lines. This was a step out of my comfort zone as I’ve never filmed before so it was good.

We then started to construct Eddie’s character image. This involved applying fake blood to his back where he gets shot in the spine.

After this we started filming his dialogue where he is in purgatory.


We then filmed in the room upstairs which was all red. This was followed by filming in the room opposite. Which was eerie and dark. In the eerie and dark room (image below) I tried my hand at filming again. First off the lights in the room were on. So that we could get an “out of world” effect. Showcasing how the ‘victim’ is in isolation and alone, trying very hard to figure out where he is. I felt that close up shots would capturise the ‘victims’ emotions. I then did a 360 shot of the ceiling, highlighting the eerie and isolated place. This was followed by me walking backwards with the camera. Making it even more clear that the ‘victim’ was all by himself.


This was then followed by Liam suggesting we film the hospital scene again. Thus I was chosen to lie on the table to be operated on. Showcasing ‘the victim’ having an out-of-body experience. Thus the camera focused on my side, as ‘the victims’ spine was going to be operated on.

After this we wrapped up the session at around 2:00. Having started at around 10. We then gave back the green screen to the loan shop and the tripod to.





Night shooting: 8 members in attendance. During this night session we all had a go at shooting, with me filming the footstep scenes (panning). We started at 6:45pm and wrapped up around 9pm.

We also planned our next meet for this Thursday after our lecture (around 4).
I also started tweeting photos under our film title #demonswithin and #cumediapro #160mc. In order to spread awareness of our film project.
Shots below:












8th of October:
Today we listened to the soundscape and gave feedback. Deciding to take out the inception noises. Me and Jana then started to draw up promotion ideas (image below, at bottom). This was followed by re alliterating that we’d be filming after 3pm.In order to re-shoot some scenes. Whilst for the editing, Liam was put in charge. With all of the group pitching ideas to him about how the film looked etc.
Attendance: 1 missing (Reena)

After 4 session
Attendance: Me, Liam, Eddie, Jana and Matt
In this session we reshot scenes and created new ones. For example when Eddie’s character is on the table having an out-of-body experience etc.
Shots below (from session)





I was also in charge of make up today. This meant putting fake blood on Eddie’s shirt. My team member Jana helped me with the dabbing, keeping tissues at hand.
Images: (includes Liam on camera duty)



I then filmed again, with me taking the reigns off Liam as he was acting as Eddie’s body double. This was a good experience as I got to use a camera I’ve only used once before. Thus helped with my confidence and was good practice. The session then finished around 5.
With Liam going off to transfer footage and to edit too. Thus after this session all filming was complete. With us all scheduling our next meet for next week. In order to go over promotion and distribution for the film. With me messaging Jana to draw up some sketches of possible poster ideas to leaflet ideas as well over the weekend. Considering we were put in charge of promoting our film “Demons Within”.

4 Week Film Project Continued: Week 1


In today’s session we went over the following things (includes completed tasks):

*3 people were absent from todays session.
Call sheet: (note: Sundays session cancelled due to some absences. Full meet= Next Tuesday)

Final script (ideas contributed by Ash and others, formulated by Liam)

Film Title (mentioned within script): The Demons Within

Storyboard (Digital Version): Put together by Liam

Contributing sounds for sound scape (via internet/group discussion): Ongoing process by Eddie and Jana

Showing script to our actors: Dido (Villain) and Eddie (Victim)

Sorting out when to location scout: Decided to go with doing it the next day, for those who would be able to make it.

Making sure to take out equipment from loan shop when necessary.

Deciding on possible locations (i.e photography studio, white wall to dark alleyways etc.) Whilst checking in to see if rooms were going to be available for us to use.(Eddie)

Locations: Checked if photography studio could be used. As we could not use it we decided to scout for other locations regarding the first scenes. For example our dorm rooms. Focusing on the bare ceiling and even the walls too (tbc).

Allan then posted on the group chart regarding location scouting. Making sure everyone knew what they should look for (concerning those who were able to make the next session).

“And please don’t forget to take the map with you and mark the places or piece of streets and also take some shots of the places and try to find more than one for each scene.”- Allan

(Compiled by Liam) Storyboard (below). Order may be mismatched.





















Checklist: Location scouting (complete). Plus updated with all the others about location scouting.

Next meeting: Week 2 (6/10/15)

Photos from today (by Eddie). Shot around Coventry (possible locations).







Liam (Photos taken whilst location scouting) 3/10/15:










4 week Film Project: Script (full folder)

Script: (By Ash)

4 week film project

Working title: Man In Coma…….

Record and overlap thoughts “victim pg”= more chaotic

Dialogue: First scenes (victim pg.)

Victim: Why did you do this to me? What did I do to you that was so cruel? This isn’t what I thought my life would be. Do I now seek solace with my darkest demons or will you follow me there too?. Why is it that I cannot escape. What is this place? Let the shackles of my soul be released or let me be forever trapped.

Dialogue: Will play when over the shoulder shot of villain begins.

(sentences layered upon in scene), below:

Villain: You asked for it. Don’t squander on the small things. Think about how I feel. No one ever thinks about me. Understand that what I did to you, sets my game into motion. You formed a small part of it, but don’t think for a second that I’m done. I will always haunt you in your darkest dreams. Where ever you run, I’ll find you, I’ll find you….. Your demons will never die….

I then passed on my extracts to one of the group members (Liam). He then formulated my words into a full length script, adding his flare too. With contributions from the other group members also included.


A slow heartbeat can be heard as well as a heartbeat monitor, an overlay of hospital chatter and other ambient sounds. A MAN lies in a hospital bed coma bound and still. The room is bare and heavily exposed in white. It shows no other sign of life.


The MAN opens his eyes and looks around, they begin to close again but he hears a noise and jolts awake. He sees a blurred distorted image of a man in a winter hat standing over him, he is incredibly unsettled by the sight of this dark figure.


The MAN tries to stand in the hospital but stumbles to the ground and hits his head.

The MAN stands in front of a blank white screen (limbo purgatory style, all in his mind) he looks around looking angry and scared then notices someone with him to the side. Who exactly the man sees is unknown.


Why did you do this to me? What… What did I do to you that was so cruel to deserve this?!

SCENE 4. EXT/INT. White room/dark street. HOSPITAL/city.


So what now? This isn’t what I thought my life would be. Do I now seek solace with my darkest demons? Or will you follow me there too? Why is it that I cannot escape? What is this place? (SHOUTING) Let the shackles of my soul be released or let me be forever trapped!

The MAN sees visions of himself walking away from an unseen entity, his footsteps have become fiercer and fiercer, his breathing is heavy and he looks extremely worried. There are another set of footsteps behind him but he can’t figure out who or what it is. He turns around and no-one is there, he begins acting paranoid, thinking it is all in his head. He looks deep into the distance and hears a bottle move in a street to his side, after a closer look he sees a figure in a hat staring at him.


The MAN begins running down the street, being chased by the figure in the hat he makes a turn down an alley and gets cornered to a wall, he turns as the mysterious figure turns the corner and pulls out a gun on the man.

Mysterious figure

You think what I did was cruelty? No, it was justice for the lives you destroyed. What you did that night.

The man begins seeing flashes of articles detailing a drunken hit and run of which he was acquitted.


That sets the game into motion. Now think about how we feel. No-one focuses on the victims, only the killer. Well tonight I’m getting my moment. You form a small part of it but don’t think for a second, that after this I’m done. I will always haunt you in your darkest nightmares, even after I’m gone. Wherever you run, I’ll find you. I’ll be right here.

The mysterious figure points to his head.


Your demons will never die.

(The End)

4 Week Film Project (Continued: Week 1): “Man in Coma….”

Following on from yesterday’s session we all met up to discuss our project. However 3 of our members were absent for their own reasons. Due to this I made sure I made all my notes available for them, via our film group on ‘WhatsApp’.

During the session I compiled a deconstructed version of our film:


As a group we then fed back to each other about the notes I compiled.

This ensured that all of us were on the same page. Or in some kind of agreement on where our film was going to go. This further helped us to delegate roles between each other. Whilst leaving the roles open too, so that everyone could pitch in where necessary. In order for them to not only learn new skills but also learn from others.

After this we discussed the organisation of our pitch for the next day. Eventually deciding on keeping to the point and maybe leaving the floor open to the audience. Whilst understanding that at the same time our pitch would be just a few minutes in total.

During our presentation the main feedback we received was positive. However one thing which was pointed out was to make sure the stories (from both sides) didn’t get too complex as its only a short film.

This was then followed by gathering some sounds to create our soundscape(s). For example we looked at heartbeat sounds to footsteps. This gave us an idea of what the sounds would be like. After discussing this we finished our meet and decided to send over some sounds to Jana or Eddie. In order for them to edit them appropriately in the right way.