162MC: Presenting ‘The Real Skins’

After filming and editing our short fan fiction film, we managed to put together a piece of media which added to the ‘mockumentary style’ feel, that we were hoping for. Furthermore, I’d say we accomplished what we wanted to show. This is because our vision included going deeper into the hit TV show ‘Skins’ (for which our fan fiction film was inspired by). Further drawing light on the producer, cameraman and sound mic, revealing secrets and truths along the way in a very ‘exclusive’ style, fitting in with the ‘mockumentary style’ we were hoping for. For example, the confessional scenes showcase this well, as it makes the audience feel more connected with the characters (who are speaking directly to them into the camera, whilst acknowledging the producer. Thus in this way, I’d say we really worked on the connection between the characters and our intended audience (teenagers to young adults). Making sure to engage them at every corner, through the language used and the content of the scenes too (i.e cheating boyfriends, eventful party moments and those less eventful ones).

Check out our official fan fiction film inspired by the hit UK TV show ‘Skins’ below:

Warning: Explicit Content

Upon reflection, I would say that my team faired well in putting together a piece of film inspired by another media text. I would further say that we brought in many elements from the actual TV show, staying true to form in this way. Whilst also adding our own touch to it, through cinematic value. As I believe we experimented a lot with different colour gel sheets, aiding our film aesthetically in the lighting department.

Overall, I’m really content with how our short fan fiction film looks. However for next time, I would probably say that we should’ve aimed for a shorter narrative. This was because in some of the scenes (in our film), there was too much of a leap from one scene to another. Thus confusing the audience in the process, as to what is going on and who is who.

However on the other hand, the fast paced editing helped with the story (final edit). This is because it really represented a ‘mockumentary’, in the way that some scenes were ‘off the cuff’ and experimental (thus appearing rapidly fast).

To sum up, I’d say my team really pushed themselves in every way. This was because they stayed focused and motivated and passed on their enthusiasm to the actors (all the way through). It’s here that I’d like to say a big thank you to my team, but also a big thank you to all the actors involved too. As without them, we wouldn’t have been able to make the characters stand out as much as they did, when bringing each one to life in their own elevating way.

162MC: Fan Fiction (Full ‘Roles’ Sheet)

162MC Fan Fiction

 ‘The Real Skins’


 Ash and Jana: Paperwork

  • In charge of collating and printing off the right production sheets.

Ash: Actor, Group Organiser, Set designer, Lighting, Communicator

In charge of keeping group in the loop, practicing lines for ‘Max’ and also putting together a prop list. Whilst helping out with the lighting on set. Further communicating directly with one of the actors, acting as second in command for the casting director (upon him being unavailable at times).

Abbey: Editing/Script Cutter/Actor

Acted as one of the crew members (i.e producer) within our short film. Also worked on cutting down the script due to the length being quite long. Whilst further applying herself as an editor, working alongside Connie for this.

 Jana: Agenda Compiler/Sound

Worked alongside Ash to compile all the agenda’s together, further offering support upon putting all main documents together. Further applied herself to sound, operating the boom mic/edirol in the process. Staying motivated and engaged at each corner.

Katherine: Lighting

Assisted with the lighting equipment where necessary.

Connie: Camera Operator/Actor/Editor

Acted briefly in the ‘party scene’. Further worked on set as the camera operator, getting shots from various angles (i.e Confessionals).

Neel: Director

Delegated where all the actors should go, whilst controlling all the equipment. Further annotated one script, in order to bring his own creative vision for ‘The Real Skins’ script to life.

Farai: Writer/Assistant Director/Casting Director

Wrote the whole script for our final fan fiction idea. Worked as the assistant director on set, making sure his vision didn’t go off track, but stayed within the vision of the directors. Further working alongside the director to come to a mutual understanding of what the final scenes should look like. Also communicated with all the actors, making sure they knew their lines and knew where they had to be, gaining their consent beforehand.

Alex: DOP/Viewer

Worked as the main person on the camera, due to being the director of photography. Having prior experience in this role already. Further lending himself to be the main ‘viewer’ within the editing process, offering a fresh pair of eyes for the edited footage.




162MC: Heading to the finish line (‘The Real Skins’ Fan Fiction)

162MC: Heading to the finish line (‘The Real Skins’ Fan Fiction)

Image: ‘The Party Scene’ (featuring ‘Talcum Powder’ for the substances)

Upon reflecting on my ‘fan fiction’ experience within the 162MC module. I would say that for me, this project was really creative and challenging. Personally , shooting ‘The Real Skins’ was one which proved to be difficult at times but also extremely rewarding. My roles in this project included:

  • Working on designing the set
  • Organising meetings
  • Helping with lighting
  • Being an actor (essaying the role of ‘Max’)

Upon reflection, I felt my roles were unique in their own way. Thus gave me a chance to split my creativity between the roles. Overall, I felt they each tailored to my strengths and challenged me at each turn.

As for my role as ‘Max’ I’d say it was as much nerve racking as it was liberating. This was because actings always been close to my heart, thus I really felt content upon appearing in the limelight for a few minutes after a long time.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Good team work
  • High energy and enthusiasm in every session
  • Many useful suggestions from team members towards the script ‘The Real Skins’ (by Farai Brandon Mbudaya)
  • Effective time management
  • Due to lines being manageable and not too long, lines were learn’t quickly and swiftly.
  • Actors were committed and professional at all times. Further open to feedback from us.


  • Some instances where mis-communication occurred with the actors. Delaying our filming time and setting us back a little.
  • Roles could have been defined more clearly as some members were left a little confused as to what roles they were doing.
  • Scripts could have been sent to actors beforehand than being handed out on set. Giving them very little time to rehearse their lines.
  • Actors could have been auditioned in due time. Saving us time if actors couldn’t be present in one scene or another. They would’ve been able to get their back up to fill in for them.

To conclude, I’d say although there were hiccups along the way my team managed to stay focused all the way through. Overall I’d say this has to be one of the best modules so far for me, as I really liked bringing one of our fan fiction ideas to life. Personally it felt really good to bring something together as a team, further contributing various suggestions along the way between all of us. This for me really made the whole experience satisfying and also fulfilling too. It’s an experience that I’ll remember for getting into character after a long time, to giving the actors helpful suggestions to executing their roles even more effectively.


162MC: Script Report Forms

Below includes all the script reports I filled out for my team. Followed by our full filming schedule log sheet.



Filming Schedule (Log Sheet) 162MC





Upon reflecting, getting feedback on my own script helped me gain a better understanding of where to take my story. Further aiding me in writing up an ‘alternate ending’, helping me include a different side to my fan fiction story as such.

162MC: Fan Fiction ‘The Real Skins’ Take 2

Today my team and I met in the old TV studio, where we would set up all the equipment for the confessionals. As one of the main actors were not present we decided to film his scenes another time.However this mean’t we’d have to cast another actor alongside him, due to the first actor having prior commitments.

Whilst focusing on those who were present, we managed to film the confessionals in good lighting and also space too. This was because each confessional looked clear and well executed. Due to the background looking into an office, adding to the feel of a ‘set’ as such. Further adding to how much we wanted to see on camera and how much we didn’t, contributing to the whole mise en scene.

Upon getting into my character (Max) I started to warm up a little by trying out different postures/mannerisms. This helped as we eventually got some good takes, with me staying still, essaying the role of ‘Max’ in a fluid and interesting way.

As for the other confessionals, each of the actors essayed their respective roles extremely well. This is because each stayed motivated and dedicated in each take, further listening to us giving helpful tips along the way.

After this was done, we set out to Alex’s house to film the other scenes with the actors playing ‘Sid’ and ‘Cassie’ taking the to the set. This part of filming was done well, as the scenes were set up in due time, with clear pointers being made vocal at each stage. One part of filming which took time was ‘Sid’s’ delivery on his lines. This was because the actor playing this role spoke almost too softly, thus needed more abruptness in his voice. However after giving him suggestions and offering him many takes, we managed to get some good stuff off him.

Upon reflecting, todays filming session had its fair share of setbacks but also some good highs too. This was because although some of the actors had to be moved around/switched up, all managed to stay committed and enthusiastic. Treating the bump in our production as a little blimp, one which would be sorted very soon. Thus for this reason I’d say we really came together as a team, as we persevered through the little hiccups which occurred today. As for reprising my role as ‘Max’, I’d say it went well. This was because I liked how I channeled him today, in a shy yet confident way. Making sure to include subtle gestures and expressions, only distinct to ‘Max’. Further making him stand out as a character in our short film ‘The Real Skins’.


162MC Fan Fiction Module:’The Real Skins’ Take 1

162MC Fan Fiction Module:’The Real Skins’ Take 1

Today me and my group gathered all the equipment from the loan shop (that we booked out the day before) again.


20160218_102924 (1).jpg

Keeping in mind that we’d be shooting the party scenes and the bedroom scenes too at one of our team members houses. After this was done we headed over to pound land, to get all the stuff that we needed for the shoot.

See our receipt below:


After we finished shopping we headed to the location. Upon waiting a few minutes for one of our team members to bring in al the equipment from his car, we decided to look round. Our team members house certainly fitted the script as it had excellent rooms for our scenes to take place in.

Below are some pictures of what we did with the space. In particular, how the party scenes were constructed (with talcum powder and paracetamol taking centre stage as the ‘substances’ for the party mood):


Personally upon setting up the ‘party scene’, the lighting really stood out for me. This is because we opted to use 2 big LED lights with gel sheets (in different colors). Further opting for a colored red bulb, which added to the set up being a ‘night time’ scene as such.

I would say however, todays filming was certainly full of surprises. This was because one of the actors wasn’t available, leaving me to nominate myself to take his place. Upon doing so I essayed the role of a gay character who had an intimate scene with another male to partake in. Although anxious at first, I slowly started to loosen up. This for me was a very elevating experience as I hadn’t acted seriously in something for quite some time. Thus upon taking the role of Max/Anwar, I managed to deliver my lines in a confident and fluid way. Leaving me almost liberated and excited that I’d stepped up and took one for the team. As I certainly enjoyed playing the part I did, proving to be the main highlight of this particular shooting day.

As for my team members, they were supportive and also proud of my performance. Some were even surprised by my acting ability as I’d never really shown a clear interest before. Thus all were very vocal about how the scene looked and what they felt stood out from it.

Overall I’d say todays filming was full of surprises and laughs, as we really came together as a team. Another thing which was good was that the actors stayed committed and passionate in their respective roles, as they really gave it their all. They further appreciated the story and liked the narrative too.



162MC ‘The Real Skins’: One short filming session

Today my group planned to film early in the morning in the new tv studio, with all the actors present. However, this didn’t go to plan at all. Due to mishaps with communication and alarms going off to0 late, we were slightly side tracked as far as filming went.

Instead those of us who were present, loaned out the equipment and headed to the studio. Further setting up the set and the camera’s too, for when we’d actually start filming with the actors. We also did a dummy run with me and my peer taking centre stage to perform some of the lines. This helped all of us to visualise how everything would look (taking into account lighting etc).

To conclude, although we didn’t plan for the morning to go the way it did. We managed to get some work done, (at least preparing ourselves  for the coming days). Upon reflecting on my own performance today, I’d say I stayed calm and also enthusiastic (the same goes for my team too). This is because we used the time in the new TV studio wisely, even if no actors were present. Which although unfortunate, didn’t bring our team morale down entirely. This is because we persevered to use all the time we had in a suitable/effective way (as much as we could). Furthermore using the new tv studio proved to be a valuable experience, at it was good to see it for the first time. Considering the whole room was effortlessly done up with high end equipment in every corner, plus natural light coming in now and then. Further adding to the beauty and the whole set up of the new tv studio itself.

Alex and Jana manning the sound (boom pole and mic at the ready)
Dummy scene take one (3..2…1 action)- Katherine takes to the set


162MC: ‘The Real Skins’ (Meeting 2)

Today me and my group went over our action plan for the coming week. We first sat together and discussed when we all were available this week and next. This helped us to finalise on when we wanted to film. Further opting us to split up filming days, making sure that we all at least attended one session (to help others out and to act in our respective roles too). Another thing which was done was booking out the equipment from the loan shop in due time, aiding us the next day.

See attached word document on our full filming schedule:

Filming Schedule (Log Sheet) 162MC

Upon reflecting, I would say todays short meeting went well. This was because we went over all that we needed to go over. Further chasing up the actors and finalising how we’d want them to dress on the day. Whilst compiling a ‘prop list’ for the party scenes which we’d shoot the next day at one of our team members houses.

As for those in my group, all stayed motivated, enthusiastic and focused. Further asking questions where necessary and reflecting on what we’d managed to organise already as a collaborative. As for my performance as group organiser and head director of art design, I stayed calm and collected and encouraged all to make their thoughts clear, further boosting team honesty and morale too.



162MC: Fan Fiction Module (Meeting 1)

Today my crew met up to go over our plan of action. Due to some members being unavailable, it was decided that we’d keep the group chat running throughout to send out important messages where necessary.

See attached sheet:162MC- FAN FICTION

Note: Sheet includes equipment list, roles and also location sites too. Personally, setting up roles helped us to stay completely organised and also focused. This is because it gave each of us a chance to up our game (so to speak). Further allowing us to deliver in our own roles, bringing it all together throughout. Whilst discussing with each other where we all are with everything, promoting team morale and communication too.

In terms of my role I decided to take over agenda compiling with my peer Jana. Whilst also acting as ‘art director’ under ‘wardrobe and/or set design. For the most part, I decided that I’d like to be a part of ‘wardrobe’ (see document above for ‘wardrobe’). Whilst thinking of how to clothe the characters, my team member Farai (who came up with the script) helped me out. Giving me helpful advice a long the way on what the characters should look like.

Reflecting upon this experience, I’d say I brought in my creative streak as I looked up all the characters before hand. This helped me to visualise the different elements for each character. Furthermore, what I decided upon with Farai, was that the actors would have two costumer changes, thus this would need to be decided on soon. For example for the party scenes casual clothing would be required, with smart attire coming in thereafter (depending on the type of character).

Another thing which I organised was to send over the full character wardrobe sheet (attached above) to Farai. Thus proving successful, as he’d been in contact with them earlier. Therefore, seemed appropriate for him to contact them directly about what’s required of them concerning the wardrobe department and so forth.

Upon reflecting todays session went well. This was because I made sure that we stuck to the agenda I wrote up. Further making sure to keep all motivated and enthusiastic throughout.


162MC: Screenplay to Screen (FanFiction Module)

Today we were briefed on bringing our screenplay to screen. See my notes from todays lecture below:

During this lecture my group presented our script idea which we were going to bring onto the screen entitled ‘The Real Skins’ (Farai Mbudaya), inspired by the hit TV show Skins. Upon getting feedback many liked our idea and agreed with us on how feasible it would prove. Some queries which were brought up included where we’d shoot the film (i.e one of our peers house) to what type of scenes we’d include (i.e flashbacks). Although some were initially confused by the mockumentary style of our short film. Upon expanding and explaining that it would almost serve as an expose, working of the title as ‘Real’, many came to understand our vision more clearly.  How we’d showcase the characters in a very intimate yet sometimes private way (i.e when they may tell the ‘producers’ to leave them alone), creating more of an engaging piece of film.

After the lecture I put together a checklist for my group (see below). Upon writing up this checklist, I managed to order everything in a list. Further making sure we stay organised and prepared in meeting the deadlines over the next coming weeks (including filming/editing).

Upon reflecting on todays lecture, I began to understand the importance of having specific roles within one’s production groups. Further coming to terms with how that affects team morale and also the process of making the film too.

As for the roles, I would say I’m extremely keen on taking over ‘wardrobe’ or ‘set design’. The reason being that I feel my creative flow with aid either or both these roles. This is because I love working with clothes and seeing what looks right on people, taking into account where they are going and who they are meeting etc. As for set designing, I’d love to construct the scene area. For example one scene construction in our film may include empty beer bottles on the surfaces with balloons scattered everywhere to create ‘the party scene’.

Overall I feel working in any of these roles will really boost my creativity as I’d stay motivated, passionate and enthusiastic. Further staying  involved in something which will push me artistically and physically too.