Wonder Woman (2017)- Short Film Review


Wonder Woman (2017) directed by Patty Jenkins (known for the 2003 hit Monster starring Charlize Theron) hits the right notes for DC Comics. Offering the franchise its best since last year’s Batman Vs Superman.

Centred around Greek mythology, the Amazonian tribe and the British intelligence fighting the Germans. W.W goes above its fictional premise to work as a touching action drama, with heart. Get ready to experience a young warriors rise to greatness, a life she knew she was destined for a long as she battles to protect mankind from the evil Ares (God of War).

Further focusing on human greed, love for mankind and above all war. In what could have been a very superficial over diluted film, Wonder Woman doesn’t fail as a blockbuster action hit, with a female protagonist at its helm.


Overall Wonder Woman features some of DC Comics best visuals since last years Batman Vs Superman. However, for me, this film in particular really moved me, beyond its visuals and effects, with a clear and concise storyline. Further adding themes of family, love not war and unity. Making it a film with clear heart, out of all the DC Comics films thus far. Also, its female-centric narrative on strength, courage and power works to inspire young girls and female everywhere to stand up for what they believe (adding to the film’s success and overall critical reception, considering it was liked by the masses).




My Rating: 7.5/10

With action, great special effects and even stellar lead ‘Wonder Woman’ is the exact vehicle Gal Gadot needed to reach international acclaim, alongside partnering with the very talented Patty Jenkins of Monster (2003)  fame. Be sure to check out this instant summer hit now, as you witness Gadots rise as the female superhero we have all been waiting for, for a long time.


Warner Bros. Pictures. (2017). WONDER WOMAN – Official Origin Trailer. [Online Video]. 11 March 2017. Available from:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INLzqh7rZ-U. [Accessed: 9 July 2017].

Manpop. 2017. Wonder Woman (2017) – Review | Mana Pop. [ONLINE] Available at: http://manapop.com/film/wonder-woman-2017-review/. [Accessed 09 July 2017].



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