Baby Driver (2017): Short Film Review




Edgar Wright (known for Hot Fuzz & Shaun of the Dead) returns with an accelerated entry into mainstream cinema. Filled with fast-paced action, witty and sharp dialogue, stellar acting (from the likes of Kevin Spacey, John Hamm and Ansel Elgort). B.D is much more than its title which is suggestive of a comedy spoof drama. ‘Baby Driver’ can also be seen as a crossover between ‘Transporter’ and ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ with an all-star soundtrack and fast-paced driving sequences, adding to the films appropriate rating of being certified as a 15 [Rated R].

‘Baby Driver’ can be seen (in my eyes) as an unofficial crossover between ‘Transporter’ and ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ with an all-star soundtrack and fast-paced driving sequences, adding to the films appropriate rating of being certified as a 15 [Rated R].

In short, the movie revolves around a getaway driver completing numerous assignments in order to clear his debt with his boss (someone who he stole from years ago, representing his knack for ‘getaway driving’). However, once a heist (which is doomed to fail) goes horribly wrong the consequences are life changing for Baby and his former team.

Highlights of the film would have to include its stellar soundtrack. Considering each tune (whether that be a cover of a retro classic or a well-known punk song) really carries the film along. With each track acting as a marker post for the action to either heighten or be put into full drive. It’s a film which is clever, unique and well formulated (certainly proving a well-deserved entry into mainstream cinema for Edgar Wright himself).


Baby Driver deals with themes of family ties, love, trust, betrayal, strategy and above all survival. The theme of ‘survival’ within Baby Driver (2017) is very important. This is because the main character ‘Baby’ is trying to get out of the game but still goes back to it (for reasons made known within the film). Further suggesting commitment, loyalty as his character is one which does not complete a task half-heartedly. He does, however, progress as a character with the arrival of Debora (Played by Lily James) who becomes his love interest in the film, and ignites a new plan within Baby to follow. One which features trials and tribulations, but eventually leads them into a situation they’ve been dreaming of all along.


Film Stills: 

Further Reading: 

  1. Baby Driver (2017) Film Discussion (possible spoilers)
  2. Baby Driver (2017) & film theory (spoilers ahead)


Ansel Elgort carries himself well through charm and charisma. He is every part Baby on the screen, making us believe every cheeky smile and remark. Alongside a well brought together cast, Baby Driver shines. Make sure to check out this action blockbuster in a cinema near you. With explosive action, fast cars, a solid narrative and a top ensemble ‘Baby Driver’ is a film not to be missed.
My rating: 8.5/10
Activity: In Cinemas Now
1) MovieclipsTrailers. (2017). Baby Driver (2017) Trailer. [Online Video]. 11 March 2017. Available from: [Accessed: 3 July 2017].
2) New Stills from Edgar Wright’s ‘Baby Driver’ Featuring Jon Hamm, Jamie Foxx & Lily James – Cinema Vine. 2017. New Stills from Edgar Wright’s ‘Baby Driver’ Featuring Jon Hamm, Jamie Foxx & Lily James – Cinema Vine. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 July 2017].
3) IMDb. 2017. Hot Fuzz (2007) – IMDb. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 04 July 2017].
4) IMDb. 2017. Shaun of the Dead (2004) – IMDb. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 04 July 2017].
5) Car Throttle. 2017. Baby Driver Is The Fast And Furious Antidote The Car World Needed. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 09 July 2017].
6) Film School Rejects. 2017. Freudian Formula One: Baby Driver’s Mommy Issues. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 09 July 2017].
7) 2017. No page title. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 09 July 2017].