202MC: React, Re-Think & Respond Module (Week 1 to 4)

This week we were introduced to our final module for term 3. This involved us being put into medium sized groups, prior to being briefed on visibility, exposure and awareness. Thus thinking about what themes, ideas and situations were similar, upon being put into our groups. Further helping us establish a solid foundation to grow our project on.

I further made sure, to add in some ideas throughout my group’s first group meeting.

One thing, which helped us start the project positively and even collaboratively, was the compilation of our main google doc (see full document, pasted below). This really helped each member to pinpoint their ideas, and add in areas of interest specific to them solely. Upon sharing all our ideas, we managed to reach a common ground as we began to discuss social media and sharing platforms (more specifically Youtube). This is because we found it to be intriguing and exciting to actual go behind the scenes of a channel. Further deconstructing the makings of a channel, in order to do our own individual research on a topic we would talk about analytically (i.e promotion, the importance of subscribers, the content etc.).

The following attachment involves all our ideas put together, with many elements within the document being drawn out by myself.


Minutes from meetings/group discussions + brainstorming (Ash): 202 PC Doc

In conclusion, my group communicated effectively and also expressed their opinions openly, further standing by decisions and viewpoints, aiding daily group reflections and production meetings. Thus showcasing to us all, how to effectively work in a big collaborative team, on a project involving similar interests and ideas. Therefore showcasing all of our respective skill sets throughout.

Interesting points (with exhibition idea)

  • Gives us a chance to demonstrate our interest in the video sharing platform ‘Youtube’. By deconstructing the main elements of any channel to make our own. Further relying on various skill sets and thought processes to do so. Possibly bring all together into an interactive exhibition (plan only) where we’d live stream (and invite members of the public) to see a youtube channel being made through projections and installations. This may involve the following:
  • How to set up a shot (composition, production design etc.)
  • How to prep your presenter
  • Top traits for a presenter
  • The importance of branding
  • How to gain a dedicated following etc.

Cont. (see doc)

Upon reflecting, I would say that as a group we have certainly got the ball rolling. Thus giving us sufficient time to go over all the ideas (on the doc) and discuss further our own interpretation of “visibility” alongside the brief itself.

Week 2

This week my team got together in order to discuss our 202mc project idea in more detail. Upon doing so, I suggested that we think about creating an artefact outlining a rough schedule for our exhibition. Thus in this way would be giving an ‘introduction’ to us as a collaborative and our idea. This being, to present members of the public with a live exhibition where we’d deconstruct various elements, showing all that’s involved in creating a ‘successful’ youtube channel. This offering them a front row seat in learning about each element involved. Whether that’s “how to set up your set”, “how to set up effective lighting”, “top presenter traits” etc. Adding to the brief itself in terms of making video platforms visible to the public eye, in this case, ‘YouTube’ and how the creation of a successful channel can be done upon thinking of the various aspects involved from start to finish.

Upon reflecting, I would say that my group now have a clearer vision of what our project is about and where it’s heading. Thus giving us sufficient time and aid upon brainstorming all for the project itself, providing sketches, blueprints, mind-maps and more in mapping out our idea on paper, to project how we’d create the exhibition in real time if we were to do so. Going back to my own role, we decided as a collaborative which some roles around, thus leading me to opt for ‘project organiser’, due to the majority of the concept being formulated by myself (in terms of the live ‘constructional’ exhibition. Overall, I am excited about how my group’s project will come to fruition, as it involves all our interests with video sharing platforms (in particular ‘YouTube’) in one velocity.

Week 3

How a sketchbook can entail theory?

1) What is being visible about?

2) Any implication beyond the idea of making something visible?

Visible: Making something apparent, representation of a place, people or an object, being clear (clarity)-“What seems to be clear immediately”. Focused vision, graspable, perception; awareness, demonstration (leading to development)

The process/how to make things visible= Sketchbook

To consider: Why you decided to pick final topic important for process etc

If you make something visible- you are observing something.

The process of the unveiling, building an image, constructing a certain meaning and letting a certain idea/bunch of ideas take shape.

Upon reflection, today’s lecture helped me understand the importance of invisibility and its cause, alongside its effect. Further making me think of particular examples, meanings and symbols associated with it. Therefore leading me on to my own groups project, assessing our idea and all of the logistics involved in accessing its invisibility and the importance of it. Further allowing us to hone in on all, in order to prepare us for our final page 4 (within our sketchbooks) whether than being a moving medium or a still version.

Week 4

Before wrapping up all on this particular project, my group came together to observe and feed ideas into our presentation (which myself and Jaime would be pitching). Before starting all, I decided to create two script versions for the presentation, in order to send to Jaime to rehearse with. Thus enabling me to feed in detail with one, and create the other in a more simplified way (once material had been absorbed fully, in order to pitch all fluently). As I compiled both versions, I received sufficient feedback from my fellow peer member (who’d be presenting with me), stating that he liked the detail and flow of the script. Further praising the length and all the points covered, as he felt I made sure to touch on all aspects of our project which required critical reflection of our idea and all group members performances (in order for us grow from peer reviews and analysis’ as media creators/practitioners).

Presentation (202MC)

Presentation (202MC)-Condensed

Upon reflecting on all, I believe that my group and I worked well collaboratively further bringing our interest with YouTube (video sharing platforms) to the forefront of our project. Thus planning out a unique hands-on experience where our audience would learn on the go, first hand how to create successful YouTube channel. Thus not only seeing it through visual mediums but also in real time (through live explorations and demonstrations) therefore showcasing my group’s Exhibition idea as a unique Centrepiece in understanding the ins and outs upon creating a successful YouTube Channel. On an end note, in terms of my skills (obtained prior to the module), the following can be added here:

  • Good time management and organisation.
  • Good listener
  • Ability to get things done very fast, prompting for a swift turnover in each task set.
  • Very pro-active
  • Extremely positive upon receiving feedback whether critical or positive etc.

As for skills which I believed I have worked on and enhanced (or even obtained), these would include:

  • Good time management and organisation (google docs compiler, project organiser + in charge of setting up meetings).
  • An increased awareness with time frames
  • Better planning and understanding within group based work (i.e listening to ideas even more, and opening the floor for a healthy debate, to express all queries and possible concerns/praises within one velocity).

Overall, by mapping out my skill sets I have come to a better understanding regarding myself, in terms of how I work as a creator, to my role and responsibilities within a group. Therefore challenging myself even more, by analysing all my skills in due course along the way, by refining, enhancing and developing all throughout (effectively).

Presentation (feedback)

Upon presenting with my fellow peer, we managed to really sell our idea. Further covering various aspects of all our pages and the importance of what we were trying to make visible. Furthermore, the icebreaker proved valuable as it gave us a chance to warm up and add more of an interactive element to our presentation. Considering that we wanted to re-promote the module title ‘react rethink and respond’ within our presentation. Of which we feel we did well, as we made sure to stick to the brief, be direct, engage with our peers. Plus answer various questions and queries regarding our particular project, in a calm, composed and professional manner. Finally, I would say that I and my peer made sure that we had enough time to go through all, as we’d practised a few days before, aiding us on presentation day. Thus preparing us efficiently in due course to pitch our idea effectively well and so forth.

Going back to our main premise for our project, I would say that we underwent all smoothly. Providing at times, there was some confusion as to what the overall concept was (evident in week one when honing in on a topic area relating to YouTube). This was quickly resolved, however,  allowing all team members to express their opinions and bring the idea together collaboratively as oppose to sparsely.

Role analysis (as project leader/exhibition set-up planner):
In terms of how my role would progress, this would involve me keeping my communication skills intact. Further making sure to gather a list of possible exhibition spaces, in due course. For example, some locations (based in Coventry) include Fargo Village (The Box), The Glass box, & The Tank (Coventry University). The main reason for me shortlisting these possible locations involves my past experience with some of them (as I have held exhibitions in these locations before). Thus aiding me in reflecting on the space, feel and positioning with each respective location area.
In contrast, acting as my group’s team leader helped me to keep us all organised and focused throughout. For example, I made sure to create agenda’s in advance, further updating my groups own google doc (where we’d include all our ideas, notes and research material on our overall idea-attached on my blog post on page 1).

In conclusion, my group communicated effectively and also expressed their opinions openly, further standing by decisions and viewpoints, aiding daily group reflections and production meetings. Thus showcasing to us all, how to effectively work in a big collaborative team on a project involving similar interests and ideas. Therefore showcasing all of our respective skill sets throughout.