260MC Part 2: Initial Idea (Around the World)

Our initial Idea

“An exhibition showcasing travel through various viewpoints and lenses, featuring 360 VR technology and various projections/installations”. A project set to inspire and encourage local people to travel and immerse themselves in various cultures and traditions.

  • Will showcase our work and the public’s
  • Celebrating travel and culture through various lenses.
  • Will include the city of Coventry as a small element within our exhibition (disposable cameras idea)
  • Pop-ups promotional techniques (i.e the glass box/other)
  • Distribution: Can release various easter eggs around the town (i.e sticker idea/eggs, can paint in various flag colours etc.
  • Funds: Can each make a small contribution to whole project if needed.
  • Promotion: Social Media campaign, website, twitter, facebook, facebook live, pop up chats etc.
  • VR aspect (Landmarks of Coventry, possibly Berlin/other)
  • Can also bring in videos filmed by us, from different locations.
  • VR in the hall (extra element)- possible live VR stream

There were many reasons why we decided not to bring this idea to the surface. The main one being that we felt it was not feasible in the time we had left. Thus was because we had too many ideas circling around, without giving any time for them to materialise or come to form.

Thus found ourselves adding to an idea, which was too big to handle in terms of scope, outcomes and so forth. One other contributing factor for us was promotion, as ideally, we’d need to have started promotions for travel idea very early on, in order to build up public engagement, visitor numbers and so forth. I would further say that the elements, in particular, were quite vague. For example, one initial element included bringing together various foods from different cultures. Although this would have been great, a list of foods or even possible caterers was not drawn up in advance, therefore meaning we’d have to rush all in bringing everything together. Finally, I would say time management and communication during the evolvement of this idea, fluctuated heavily as we seemed to have been going back and forth in finalising things and adding things by only speaking to some members rather than the whole team. Thus all felt too rushed and needed effective communication lines established beforehand and even set roles to have had a chance of even forming.

Therefore, in conclusion, I would say that if we had possibly managed time better and fleshed particular idea out (making prior arrangments) then we’d have most likely continued with idea. However, one highlight of possibly considering idea at the start, included our pre-survey as we managed to receive a lot of positive responses on the idea, as many were excited to see it form, through the use of 360VR technology and much more. Thus although we didn’t do the idea, we still partook in audience research, which gave us sufficient aid and assistance as to what the ideas response would be from the public point of view, in terms of accepting it and even engaging with it as well.

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