264MC Short Film: Blog Task 2

As my team and I formed together for our 264MC project, we were immediately drawn to the following script  ‘A Story of Toys (Maddy Ryder)‘. This was due to its central theme of a different entity (other than humans) taking over the world (set in the future). Further capturing the toys as they set out undertaking humanely activities with struggle and unease (influenced by George Orwells 1984). Thus as my team and I looked deeper within this message, we found it to be somewhat relatable to current times in terms of regime, rules and even change.

Furthermore, we were very keen to include only still photographs, but with the inclusion of modern cinema-graphs to bring our piece to life and give it some added punch. Thus hoped to create a powerful piece of animation in a more unusual format, filming in a similar style to Chris Marker’s La Jetee (Cinebuleuse, (2012). 

In terms of the pre-production process, I began to research our idea through secondary source material. This is because, as the producer, I felt I needed to know our project inside and out for me to stand by it. Further making sure that we’d create a piece of film which would stay consistent all the way through.

My research included: *[VideoSparknotes, Orwell’s 1984 Summary]

The two examples above showcase some of our research material, with the latter proving to be our main inspiration for our film, due to style, format and substance. As for the former, (George Orwells 1984) certainly proved valuable in material for us, due to its main messages, themes and even formulation of ‘Regime’ and ‘Change’. Thus giving us a better understanding of where we wanted our narrative to go (working from the script), and how we’d make sure to get across our message clearly and coherently in order to initiate a reaction from our audience. Whether that would be in an emotional sense or more of an intellectual one (through topical based content).

I further researched my role in more detail, in order for me to prepare myself for the challenges ahead. Whilst making sure to extend my skills to various other roles which would require my attention throughout. Furthermore viewing the educational video based service Lynda.com (producing). Which helped me to pinpoint what my role would entail, and tips to excel in my role fully within a collaborative environment. Overall my role set included location scouting, liaising with our writer, creating Bio’s for EPK and organising production folder whilst keeping tabs on our Official facebook page &  TSoT fundraising page and adding content to it daily. Thus establishing variety within each responsibility, giving me a chance to extend my skills as a producer, compared to previous experiences on other projects as one.

One challenge I faced included location scouting. This is because it took me and my group time to lock in all. Furthermore proving challenging, as we had to include the nature of our project and the duration we’d need the location for, as many locations had space but months later after our project would be completed by.

In terms of our films genre, this included it being an experimental sci-fi short film. With the latter being represented through the main narrative of the central theme of “Taking over the world”. With the former aimed at our techniques adopted within our film (in terms of editing/filming styles). Thus includes modernised cinema-graphs, adding to the experimental nature of our film. As we wanted to compile a film through pictures, prompting the viewer to engage with our film, memorising the film itself as a moving piece of video as they’d link up each photo after watching full film. Thus seeping in with audience engagement and also intrigue, as we hope to stimulate the viewers thought processes through our experimental sci -fi film, fitting under ‘Sci-Fi’ (in terms of its genre).

Upon bringing focus onto our target audience (due to the nature of our film), we made sure to market our project towards a varied audience (through blogs, weekly facebook updates and more). As our film features themes of a strong political nature (deeper hidden meaning). Thus being constructed to make the viewer think and reflect, acting as an active viewer rather than a passive one. Further counteracting the ‘Hypodermic Needle Theory’ suggesting audiences take in information passively. Offering us scope and inspiration, in catering all individuals needs further featuring some elements, to bring in different people to celebrate and see our short respectively. However for certification, we have opted for a PG rating as on the surface there is no violence or even sensitive material present throughout, thus mature rating/parental guidance warning informs audiences that some scenes may be distressing for a child to watch by themselves.

Upon viewing our final film we have managed to clearly identify our narrative in each frame, through each still photograph. Furthermore, the narration leads the viewer on nicely, giving them time to understand each situation and event (i.e the toys taking over the world and struggling with humanely activities). I’d further say that although we did not include cinema-graphs in our final edit, we still managed to lift narrative with visuals, bringing up the speed of the photos as they appeared on screen, thus creating an effective piece of film, told purely through still photographs, however creating the effect of a moving film through repeat viewings and linkage of clips through one’s eyes.

In conclusion, I have learnt about the key importance of the production process, and how its important to work tightly as a collaborative workforce. Considering it was vital that we listened and communicated effectively as each role fed into another (at some point). Thus this helped me to understand patience, communication and also develop understanding (in terms of our overall goal for our project).

Although we did face considerable time constraints we hope that we have created a film that our audiences will enjoy, with its innovative premise and unique format.  Thus offering a raw representation of civilisation, on the whole, told from the viewpoint of the toys in a very intriguing way with easily digestible narrational passages and clear sound (reflecting each situation). Furthermore, as a collaborative, my team worked well in a limited time frame, further identifying each other’s weaknesses in due time. This helped us to communicate effectively and to create a mental to-do list amongst ourselves. In order for us to feedback to each other on our progress upon creating a short film representative of our team ethic and collaborative skillsets.


1) Cinebuleuse, (2012). La Jetee (Chris Marker). Available at: https://vimeo.com/31209852 [Accessed 27 Mar. 2017].

2) Global Pictures. (2017). The Process of Producing a Professional Short Film. [online] Available at: https://www.globalpictures.com.au/producing-short-films/ [Accessed 27 Mar. 2017].

3) Lynda.com – from LinkedIn. (2017). Creating a Short Film: 01 Producing. [online] Available at: https://www.lynda.com/Filmmaking-tutorials/Creating-Short-Film-01-Producing/129018-2.html [Accessed 27 Mar. 2017].

4) Patel, Ashish. “The Story Of Toys (Official Page)”. Facebook.com. N.p., 2017. Web. 28 Mar. 2017.

5) VideoSparkNotes, (2009). Video SparkNotes: Orwell’s 1984 Summary. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9JIKngJnCU [Accessed 27 Mar. 2017].

260MC Part 2: Initial Idea (Around the World)

Our initial Idea

“An exhibition showcasing travel through various viewpoints and lenses, featuring 360 VR technology and various projections/installations”. A project set to inspire and encourage local people to travel and immerse themselves in various cultures and traditions.

  • Will showcase our work and the public’s
  • Celebrating travel and culture through various lenses.
  • Will include the city of Coventry as a small element within our exhibition (disposable cameras idea)
  • Pop-ups promotional techniques (i.e the glass box/other)
  • Distribution: Can release various easter eggs around the town (i.e sticker idea/eggs, can paint in various flag colours etc.
  • Funds: Can each make a small contribution to whole project if needed.
  • Promotion: Social Media campaign, website, twitter, facebook, facebook live, pop up chats etc.
  • VR aspect (Landmarks of Coventry, possibly Berlin/other)
  • Can also bring in videos filmed by us, from different locations.
  • VR in the hall (extra element)- possible live VR stream

There were many reasons why we decided not to bring this idea to the surface. The main one being that we felt it was not feasible in the time we had left. Thus was because we had too many ideas circling around, without giving any time for them to materialise or come to form.

Thus found ourselves adding to an idea, which was too big to handle in terms of scope, outcomes and so forth. One other contributing factor for us was promotion, as ideally, we’d need to have started promotions for travel idea very early on, in order to build up public engagement, visitor numbers and so forth. I would further say that the elements, in particular, were quite vague. For example, one initial element included bringing together various foods from different cultures. Although this would have been great, a list of foods or even possible caterers was not drawn up in advance, therefore meaning we’d have to rush all in bringing everything together. Finally, I would say time management and communication during the evolvement of this idea, fluctuated heavily as we seemed to have been going back and forth in finalising things and adding things by only speaking to some members rather than the whole team. Thus all felt too rushed and needed effective communication lines established beforehand and even set roles to have had a chance of even forming.

Therefore, in conclusion, I would say that if we had possibly managed time better and fleshed particular idea out (making prior arrangments) then we’d have most likely continued with idea. However, one highlight of possibly considering idea at the start, included our pre-survey as we managed to receive a lot of positive responses on the idea, as many were excited to see it form, through the use of 360VR technology and much more. Thus although we didn’t do the idea, we still partook in audience research, which gave us sufficient aid and assistance as to what the ideas response would be from the public point of view, in terms of accepting it and even engaging with it as well.

260MCP2: Exhibition (All Elements)

Upon settling on our final idea, in hosting an exhibition which would showcase Coventry’s Past Present and Future, this gave us a chance to go over our elements (including those already in motion, such as VR).

The list below includes all our elements, which have been further analysed and placed side to side with ‘audience engagement’, in order to demonstrate how we’d engage with the public and why.

Coventry: Past, Present and Future

Our Elements

  1. 360 VR Experience

An innovative experience where virtual reality immerses with Coventry. Get ready to witness Coventry up close and personal, as you get taken on a journey through 3 main places within Coventry including Coventry Cathedral, Coombe Abbey and the Transport Museum. Which place will you pick first to visit?

Public Engagement strategy: Various members of the public can navigate around each place, moving the cursor to various ends of the screen, to bring the image(s) to life in virtual reality.

Promotion: “Get ready to witness the beautiful lakes of Coombe Abbey and the history of the transport museum itself.”

2) “Take a chance”: Envelope cards

  • Small cards of paper (multi-coloured) placed in different envelopes prompting various activities. For example “Take a chance on…Horse Riding” (you can horse ride here:______)- Include link as QR code plus make links local to Coventry.

Public Engagement strategy: In terms of this particular element, later titled “Balloon Buster”, we made sure to hone in on the way in which we’d present it. Thus deciding to later change up the element, via my suggestion to include all ‘activities’ (in and around the midlands) as QR codes which the members of the public would scan with a simple QR reader to see which activity they’d be able to “Take a chance” on. Thus not only providing the members of the public with something new to do, but also giving them a chance to interact with others during the balloon busters as they’d each pick one balloon (which they’d take home or pop there and then). Furthermore in terms of the results, we’d also encourage members of the public to share out their ‘reactions’ or outcome of the activity through a short video or even photo (to capture the moment), with the hashtag #MyCoventry, where we’d be able to see each ‘response reaction’ from the different activities which we’d attached to the QR codes. Therefore adding to public engagement, interaction and even response, through the use of social mediums (such as twitter) plus scanning technology (such as QR codes), aiding each activity delivery (i.e at a discounted price, through Groupon/national, local activity offers).

3) VHS 90’s footage (challenge)

Following particular subject (i.e Michael) through Coventry, as he shows us round his ‘Coventry’ further prompted my interactive actions and decisions appearing on screen or possible quiz questions (appearing after video). 

Public Engagement strategy:

A short quiz for the public of Coventry to take part in, after watching a short video (filmed in the style of VHS footage, acting as our ‘past’ element due to this reason). They’d be quizzed on what they’d be seeing and so forth.

Furthermore upon answering each question right, they’d be even more likely to win the overall competition, which in this case would be a free VR headset (worth £30). As this activity would be our most engaging one (in terms of bringing the public together), we would say that the quiz and also the notion of working towards a ‘prize’ really drew our audience in, as they were very excited and engaged to take part. However, for next time (upon receiving feedback in our post-survey, we’d be sure to add more questions to the quiz and change the intensity level). We’d also thinking about creating other videos (in the same style) with different characters (from different backgrounds) further promoting the diverse cultures within Coventry and branching out to even more members of the public in this way, as we could include various signs and ‘easter eggs’ of that particular during the video(s), thus encapsulating our audience directly in this way, paying homage to them and celebrating the community even more.

4) IDrawCoventry or “Free Draw”: Involving a long piece of A3 paper being spread around the whole venue (Tin Arts), with different neon pens being placed around for all to draw on paper, adding to audience engagement etc.

Public Engagement strategy:

For this element, we aimed to encourage creativity and even spontaneity. As we’d market element as “a chance to let your creativity run wild”. Further offering possible suggestions of what to draw where assistance was required, otherwise making sure all pens were distributed evenly. Further checking up on illustrations and witnessing creativity and it’s finest as we’d be giving the public a blank canvas to draw, doodle and do much more with a simple piece of paper and pen.

5) I-Coventry Travel

Possibly pin-point places you’d like to go or even write postcards to your future self within that place, after possibly being “Sent2Coventry” fitting with title. Also, accumulate blue tack and other necessary props where needed. 

“You know the envelope, card and map I sent you, how about we ask people to write a letter to the people of Coventry of the past and submit it in a box or something?”

Zynab (team member)

Public Engagement strategy:
For me, this element went through the most changes, as it had been brought over from our first main idea (Around the world, see blog post here:260MC Part 2: Initial Idea (Around the World). However, in terms of its popularity it certainly sparked a cord with the general public, as many liked how they could create their own postcards to their future self and even include the address (of where they’d see themselves in 10 years or so). Furthermore, I liked how my team member had created the postcards, as she’d included enough writing space, well-constructed imagery and much more within this element, furthermore being proactive in bringing the element over from our first main idea rather than disregarding it.

Conclusion (including short reflection)

Upon reflection, after completing our exhibition, it’s clear that many elements needed a lot more work and even promotion, to draw out their messages and even reason(s) for engaging the public. One main highlight, however, would be the VHS challenge, as this would probably be our most interactive activity. Considering that we set up (in advance) a short quiz for the public of Coventry to take part in, after watching a short video (filmed in the style of VHS footage, acting as our ‘past’ element due to this reason). We also found that many liked this element, as it was intriguing and innovative in terms of encapsulating someone’s journey around Coventry, in order to be quizzed on what they’d be seeing and so forth. One other main attraction of this activity would also have to be that it had a prize incentive, this being a free VR headset with a retail price of £30. Thus certainly engaged and thrilled various members of the public as they tried their hand at winning the headset/attempting the quiz.


260mc Exhibition (reflection)

Coventry: Past, Present and Future

Our official website (created by myself)

Coventry: Past, Present and Future (Exhibition)

In terms of reflecting on my groups project, I would say we were successful in engaging with the people of Coventry, however we could have included more and boosted our promotion further to reach more people. As for our concept, this worked well and received positive attention as many liked our use of VR technology and other elements within our exhibition. However what was clear is that we didn’t full pay homage to our title, as we didn’t include enough material for ‘

However what was clear is that we didn’t pay full homage to our title, as we didn’t include enough material for ‘Coventry’s History’ (as this is what we marketed our event as, celebrating Coventry’s Past Present and Future. Thus we instead opted to touch on the history of Coventry very briefly through bite-size facts which we placed all around our location for all to read and digest, and even quiz each other on all facts with their friends if they wished. I would further say that the timing of our exhibition certainly paid a huge factor, as we had to think about duration, payment and other events corresponding with ours. However as we started the promotional trail quite late, we did find that branching out to the public proved more challenging in terms of time frame, but we still

I would further say that the timing of our exhibition was important for us, as we had to think about duration, payment and other events corresponding with ours. However as we started the promotional trail quite late, we did find that branching out to the public proved more challenging in terms of time frame, but we still worked off of some responses to really bring our idea to life.


As for one main highlight, this would include location scouting and making my groups website. Before constructing the website, I made sure to think about what websites I liked and why I liked them, thus tried to include bitesize information as oppose to ream and reams of paragraphs.

I would further say that making the website helped us to really think about our programme of activities and how we’d draw people into our idea, or even create buzz for it.


Although we completed our exhibition there was still a lot we could have worked on even after bringing our event to a close.

This included (but is not limited too): Team communication, motivation, discussion of ideas and most importantly a clear establishment of roles. Speaking of the latter, although rough roles were distributed (i.e team leader pivoted towards me), this still led to many committing to a role but not undergoing it. Therefore leaving many others in already pre-destined roles to take over and do the work for them, whilst they did not even contribute to half of the work compared to the rest of their peers.

I would however bring this down to time management, as although we circulated a lot of ideas on a weekly basis none of them were brought to the surface, thus leaving all in confusion later along the line as to what we had completed and what was still left to do. Which eventually led to us swiftly changing our idea (mention travel exhibition) due to feasibility and other contributing factors. I’d further say that some accumulated a lot more motivation and focus than others, as the latter turned up very late and waited to be assigned a role rather than be proactive about it. Therefore as a collaborative there were times that we did feel disconnected as a group, but luckily we pulled out all the stops on the day of our exhibition. Making sure to checkpoint all, further promote and even distribute posters.


In terms of my own role within this project, this included managing my team co-herently acting as group leader. Further acting as the final say on all decisions. Although this proved quite challenging at the start, I managed to stay calm and focused throughout further encouraging feedback and opinions on board for me to take on board and evaluate each team decision.

In terms of what we’d do next time this would include to better manage our time, to meet more often and above all delegate roles from the get go. Further positing each member of the team into mini groups, in order for them to work on a particular spect of the project to bring together later in a clear and cohesive manner.


Mariana Interview (Charlie Victor One Exhibition) (Research stage)

Upon interviewing Mariana on her exhibition and Coventry in general, it was clear that she was very ‘community centred’ with her views, further bringing in her own culture and values within each question. Overall her responses helped me to gain a better understanding to what she though about Coventry and also how she felt about ‘interaction’ in terms of the Coventry 2021 scheme (which is very community centred, further encapsulating various cultures values and traditions and of-course celebrating diversity).

Overall upon gaining some feedback from colleagues, interview excerpts and even thoughts from own group members its very clear that Coventry is extremely ‘people’ based as alot of effort is put on community projects and even support. Thus I would definitely say that Coventry certainly embraces ‘different’ and even ‘change’, as its very accepting of all different values and projects, which certainly brings something new to the table for all to witness. As for our own exhibition (in celebrating the past, present and future of Coventry).

I’d definitely say that my team included a various diverse range of activities catering to different individuals. Whether thats creative, tech wizards, younger audiences etc, through our use of VR technology, engaging competition and even ‘live’ promotional strategies (i.e FB live video), which certainly help spread he word on our exhibition and even what we were about.

Mariana (Interview, Photography Student, Coventry University)