260MC Part 2: Birmingham Research Trip

Recently, my peers and I visited Birmingham Central (Town). The reason for this was for us to carry out research on ‘public engagement’ as we visited various museums and libraries. Upon reaching one of the museums, I made a few notes as I went round each artefact and section. Further aiding me in my groups project (in terms of research) and the formulation of it.

Public Engagement (full notes)

Interactive Elements

– Visual maps (touch screen)
– Fact files
– Figures
– Projections
-Writings on the walls
– Letters
– Questions (time era specific)
– Jigsaw puzzles
– suggestion boxes?
– small models

Think about audience engagement.
Quizzes (testing knowledge on subject matter)
How will you engage with the public effectively, think about colour marketing.

Tours (of photos)- treasure trail
Share with Birmingham Museum people, depending on final artefact/get in touch via their own facebook page.

Overall, upon seeing various places where ‘community engagement’ was heavily emphasised I managed to get a sense of what elements and even strategies I could employ within my groups project, in order for us to fully engage with the public. Further giving me a better understanding of the importance of layout and presentation of a particular ‘exhibition’ of soughts. Whilst also bringing to my attention the importance of properly marked pathways, entrances and even informational leaflets, aimed at the public to absorb and understand information easily plus effectively.

201MC: Curational Exhibition (Reflection)

Today, we showcased our full exhibition to the general public and the rest of our peers. Before setting up we came across a few issues, but these were swiftly resolved calmly and effectively, as we had overlooked some of the parts within each equipment piece. This was sorted promptly, leaving us sufficient time to set-up each projection. Further playing close attention to how we’d want to use the space and make it more suitable for our overall exhibition, in terms of layout and how many chairs we settled on using.

One highlight of our exhibition for me, would have to be our use of space. This is because I felt we positioned each projection evenly, making sure to leave enough of a walk-way between each one, further making good use of the sofas within the box, to divide some of the space up (further filling the whole area well).

One negative would have to be our choice of day. Now although this could not be helped as the box was booked every other day, we did find that many of the shops within Fargo were shut. Thus the normal buzz of the village wasn’t very apparent as it was very quite. However, I would say that to an extent this worked to our favour, as we did usher a few people in with flyers and our posters. Further advertising ourselves and our project in a calming and engaging fashion, creating a little bit of a buzz amongst all.

In terms of the videos themselves they were edited well, as they included a still frame of our official logo, further drawing in the public in this way. Considering it was very large and eye catching, simply done using the colour black and white, expressing modernism and professionalism. One thing which could be done next time, could be that each video could be edited to a particular time stamp, so that each could not only play in loop (as they did) but also one after the other. Thus functioning as an automatic transition, in terms fo experiencing one subject and then another, paying close attention to visuals and dialogue more closely in a cozy yet quirky environment.

Overall upon reflecting on the whole experience, I’d definitely say that my team worked very well as a collaborative. I felt we stuck to deadlines (sometimes set myself), alongside various time stamps. Whilst the use of an ongoing agenda, helped us to really stay on track and even organised. Thus allowing sufficient time for us to really think about set-up, audience engagement and so forth. The last minute addition of “I Dream to be..” (a mini photoshoot) really engaged all of the public, as we kept their attention, by including a short sign up sheet, where we’d edit and distribute the photos to them directly. Thus establishing public satisfaction and so forth, as this particular element really helped to lift our exhibition, offering another platform for us to really delve in our overall concept of “Dream Chasers and Aspirational Influencers”, which many were interested to know and see more about, through the installational projections and even through us.

To end,  in planning and organising a curational exhibition from start to finish (including logistics, promotion etc.) with my whole team, I definitely learnt more about my skills and even my craft. This is because I have nurtured my independance and communication skills to a much more varied level, further stepping out of my comfort zone in working on a much bigger audience engagement project so far, to really offer all an engaging yet inspiring exhibition. Further celebrating the talent and professionalism of us as media practitioners/creators to those subjects which we spent time with and filmed, learning about their stories and spreading their vision to all. Thus I’d like to say a very big thank you to my team and even bigger one to the management team of ‘The Box’ and of course the general public/all our media peers/our lecturer(s) for visiting and taking time to really engage with our exhibition.

260MC Part 2 (W2): Unusual Narrative

In today’s lecture we were briefed on unusual narratives. Furthermore being prompted to go around Coventry and engage with the public in some way shape or form. Within our respective groups, we strolled through Coventry/surrounding areas to create and distribute a particular media artefact.

My Ideas

1.”Pick Me Up’s”: A narrative involving various bits of paper/sticky notes placed into various books. In order to encourage members of the public/readers to the view the book alongside the post-its. Thus acting as a “pick me up” through the use of praise, feelings and nice pleasantries.

2. “Disappearing Student”: A narrative involving bogus article which is formulated and distributed within the streets of Coventry or online. In order to promote real life buzz and word of mouth for the subject matter. Furthermore, the content of the article would be relatable to ‘student life’ thus reaching a  specific demographic.


3. “What is this place?”: Create fake twitter account on a particular fictional character. Be sure to pay close attention to their routine and how they interact with their surroundings. Primarily revolve narrative around animated character leaving in ‘human’ world etc.

4. Sticky note challenge: Stick up post notes around Coventry with particular words or sentences to form a sentence. One this is done include arrows and symbols to particular phrases. Possibly lead all to a long compliment or a fact etc.

5. “Spontaneous Hunt”:  Place various post it notes around Coventry or any other close by. Include symbols letters and emoji’s, to lead random people to particular parts of Coventry. Almost use ‘artefact’ as a random map system, offering a challenge to those who are willing to accept.

6. Ask members of the public various questions about themselves include a ‘thought box’

7. “Famous celebrity visit”: Actually members of the public miming.

8. Include various empty cardboard boxes with prompts for the public to interact with it.

9. Try to spread across a bogus message (through the city)

10. Put on a hocus fashion show??

As a group, we thought about engaging the public through small post it notes. Of which we’d include “what is your secret” on each one, with a number placed beside it. Thus in this way we’d interact with various individuals of the public, through a call and response method. Although we did not get many responses, the overall process and planning of the idea helped us to think about audience engagement, interaction etc.


264MC Short Film: Blog Task 1 (1000 words)

To start off with, Dawkins, S., & Wynd, Ian. (2010) , Video Production express a drama short to be between ten seconds to twenty minutes long (any genre), but normally with a self-included narrative.

Furthermore, stating that a “good short” encompasses basic components such as the following:

  • A story which is worth telling
  • Convincing actors who deliver credible dialogue; the main feature, so for many years the production of short films was almost exclusively carried out without the institutional might, and money, of the studios. 

Thus, establishing a genuine connection with an audience in some shape or form. Further working on dialogue delivery and the material, in order to create a short that directly engages the viewer through representation, themes and various ideologies.

One short film, which I’ll be focusing on in this essay, includes the foreign language short, ‘Teaspoon’ about relationships and family ties. Shot very naturally with realistic settings and sounds, ‘Teaspoon’ transcends itself with its deep yet relatable storyline.

First off, I will analyse the history behind short films with clear depth. In researching the history behind short films looking into The long history of short films (Davies R, 2010), one date in particular stands out the most. This being 1894, the year Thomas Edisons Kinetoscope graced audiences. A viewing experience almost similar as one looking through a looking glass, the one shot “actuality” devices certainly created a storm when they were released. As each film depicted a variety of topics including celebrities, travelogues etc.

Rebecca Davies (Davies R, 2010) further states:

“The best-known film from this time is perhaps the Lumière brothers’ Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat (1895), which supposedly had audiences fleeing in terror as a celluloid locomotive hurtled towards them.” 

Acting as a reflection of the writer’s experiences or even interests which they have a deep understanding for. Audiences viewing experiences have adapted through the way they view short films,  based on meaning and well-researched subject matter(s).

Going back to my main example above, Teaspoon (2015)  Candid Creations (Video). Director Aban Bharucha Deohans previous jobs include being an ad-maker and an author. Having being made in 2015 the short films distributions includes the worldwide online video platform ‘Youtube’, available freely through ‘Candid Creations’ official channel (a top leading film production house based in India, headed by Aban and Kiran Deohans).

Although funding of the film is not specified directly, the husband and wife duo’s production company has been attributed to be the main production house of the film itself (including promotion).

Candid Creations official facebook page: Candid Creations

Full production list (includes cast/crew): Full crew list

In terms of working practices adopted, Dawkins, S., & Wynd, Ian. (2010) , Video Production state the following, regarding the DoP during ‘working practices’ (on set):

“Director of photography (Dop): The Dop’s role is to work closely with the director to ensure that everything is visually perfect and meets the intended style in terms of light, colour, camera movement both for the individual shots and the drama as a whole.”

Thus, in order to keep visuals tight alongside narrative, the DoP has to make sure they keep connections with the director in sync, (which is certainly evident in ‘Teaspoon’). As the connection between the set and the characters flow with ease, as the situations and look of the production proves relatable to audiences and also is believable in terms of tradition and societal values. As we are immediately drawn into the general conversation between all characters, further boosted by natural light in some scenes, and very simple decor.

It’s also very relatable to those with relationships such as this one, especially Indians. As the film explores certain expectations/traditions within indian culture. For example how the father stays with one or more of their children, instead of being posited into a care home, whilst also being highly respected by their own blood in a very matriarchal sense. Furthermore, close-ups and medium close-ups were used widely in the film, adhering to short film conventions. Thus made it clear to me of the emotional charts within the characters themselves and even the main pivotal character being distinguished from the lesser characters.

Continue reading “264MC Short Film: Blog Task 1 (1000 words)”

264MC: Introduction to Short Film Module/Production Diary (Week 1)

Prior to starting on our short film module, a few of my peers brought ourselves together to review some scripts from the script bank. In doing so we discussed a range of ideas, notions, symbols and so forth, in deciding which short scripts we liked the best and felt we could do in a restricted time frame. We further came to an understanding that we’d just brainstorm some short ideas, to present to the rest of our peers later on.

The following document includes all our notes discussed within our own facebook chat group. Further enabling us to support each other creatively, and to also feedback to all in an analytical fashion promoting team morale and effective communication all the way through.

264mcshortfilmscripts (collated by team member Dana Chis/Tara+)

My own notes (on my top three scripts)

Upon being briefed on the whole module we came to understand the importance of planning, group roles and time management. Further being talked about the best way to get the most out of the module, in order to really push ourselves as a collaborative to bring each script (that we choose) to life (bearing in mind the scriptwriters story as well as our own respective vision).

An important piece of text included the following video, of which we will be taking inspiration from as we’ll be shooting in this style.


Upon watching the following video, I began to take note of the visual style and the photographic elements of the whole piece. Further visualising the use of shadowing, heavily pronounced lighting and in-depth narration. For the latter, each dialogue piece certainly aids each photo, giving a sense of direction and emotional fluidity in engaging the viewer entirely. Even if its through purely using photographic stills, collated within a specific time frame creating a response of movement.

Taking into account our own film, we would most likely showcase a narrator within our piece to act as the ‘voice of God’, which would be heavily pronounced through camera angles and even lighting. Giving our viewers a sense of dramatic emotion through various techniques we’ll employ (high angles being one of them), along the way.


Script coverage report form: 264-mc-script-report-form


cinebuleuse (2012) La Jetée-Chris-Marker-1962. Available at: https://vimeo.com/31209852 (Accessed: 10 January 2017).

Day 2

Upon meeting with my group we each sat down and shortlisted our desired roles. This proved effective as it gave us a chance to pitch to each other reasons why we should be considered for role A/B and so forth. During this process, one of my peers wrote down each individuals top choices, in order to come to a conclusion as to which role would be situated to which person.
Reflecting on my own role, I decided to shortlist the following choices for myself: This included either working on production design or as a producer. Considering I had previously worked on ‘producing’ on other projects, I was more geared to stepping out of my comfort zone within the role of ‘production design’. However as roles were assigned, I slowly evaluated my choices and switched back to ‘producing’, although agreeing with rest of team that I would have a hand in ‘production design’, as its something I’d be interested in taking part in, within this particular project.
After, all roles were agreed we planned our next steps of ‘action’ this included emailing the writer of our chosen script: a-story-of-toys-maddy-ryder
and discussing with her particular aspects of the script itself. For example, considering how we’d work around the character map of Disney’s Woody and english business entrepreneur Allan Sugar. But more over so ‘Woody’, as the character itself is owned by Disney. However, we further discussed how it’s possibly to work round this if we state reasons in due time about how we are using this particular character, further not profiting from it through its usage as it’s for our own educational use.
Going back to my finalised role, this would involve me doing the following (not limited too):
– Researching possible locations
– Liasoning with the writer herself (along with a few others of my peers)
– Organising all paperwork
In ending the session, we agreed that we’d each go over the whole script again and analyse it with our respective roles in mind. Thus in this way we’ll be able to over any pointers through the visual process of production, whilst keeping the story intact through the writers vision.
One other aspect of our project which was attended to, during todays session included our ‘note bank’. This included a whole google doc document which we’d assigned to all to add too along the way. For example, all our research notes, back up ideas, pros and cons of ideas and much more. Further allowing us to not only keep ourselves thoroughly organised but to give us all a space in which to share all our notes and pictures within one space for all our peers to view and read over when needed/refer back too.
264MC Short Film Group Note Bank: 264MC Short Film ‘Story of toys’ Notebank
Alongside finalising all roles, I started to form together an email to the writer of the story, which we were taking on. As I began to do so, I charted my progress within my groups chat, further making sure to include all necessary details of the meeting itself. As this was ongoing, my group started to discuss possible filming locations and funding for our short film. Further touching on the use of crowdfunding sites such as ‘Indiegogo’, in order to put together a small budget for our group, to be used towards production costs/costume etc.
Message grabs

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Promotional Material (message grabs)

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Upon reflecting a few of my peers came together to start collecting props for our groups short film. This included creating mock poster to be distributed out, further relying on the public to aid us with material where necessary. Promoted through various social media sites and even close connections, in order to trylu stay true to our source material, whilst thinking outside the box in how we’d accumulate all the props we’d need.