Today we were briefed on ‘Audience’, attached below, are all my notes from the session. On reflection, this particular session was very effective and intriguing, and it gave me different ways to think about audience demographics. Further making it clear that audience demographics, doesn’t just mean numbers, it means the type of people your audience members are. Thus it gave me a lot to think about, in a short amount of time really stimulating my understanding, in thinking of a new perspective upon looking at ‘audience’ in general.

After the session was over, my team met in the new TV studio to go over all logistics of our show. Upon reaching our session, we started to think about our programme order. This would help as an aid, to see how much content we have so far in the pipeline, therefore adding in anything else where needed. Upon filling in our order, it was noticed by our lecturer that alot of work still needed to be done on our official idea. However what was clear was the type of programme we were opting for and our synopsis message (see below, in bold):


Love Clash Script (Katy), rough outline: love-clash-katy

Other things which were touched on today included refining our idea more to the brief, whilst organising set designers and other roles too. This proved extremely beneficial as it meant that we’d not only be sticking to the brief throughout but also planning ahead as well due to our limited time frame. We stressed the importance of TV time, within the group, thus decided that those available the next day could meet and practise possible script lines with the presenter/film mini VT’s in order to make use of our time fully.

Upon reflecting on today’s session in the TV studio, I would say we got a lot done as a collaborative. Considering we really fleshed out our idea more with the help of our lecturer, who critiqued us well throughout. She also gave us very valuable feedback which we included on all of our research file mind maps (see above). This gave us a better peace of mind surrounding our idea. In analysing my performance, I made sure that everyone knew what they were doing, further checking up with all on their roles. I also made sure to brainstorm all ideas with the group and explain in further detail how we’d involve our audience in more, whilst sticking to the brief and delivering a well-rounded TV format at the end of the day. As a team, we also made sure to put together a full to-do list, for us all to stay on track in order to keep up team morale and for us to establish a steady work flow too.

All notes (personal/group):


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