161Mc (CW2) TV Module: Tweaking Site/Interview Prepping


Today, I revisited our main twitter account for our show. This is where I added more tweets, in order to carry on promoting our tv magazine show.

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Afterwards, I visited our official website and started to tweak a few things on it. This included adding more info about our show on the homepage. Whilst adding in a Stickie (Competition Slot) too. Considering one of my website roles included doing this.

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See our full website here: the grand bizarre

Upon editing the website, I began to envision viewing it as an audience member. This helped me to notice more things on it. Enabling me to question “why there are so many blank spaces” to “what if a different background were placed on website?” Thus leaving me enough time to bring up website queries in my teams next meet up.

Another thing which I worked on included coming up with some questions to ask our special guest. Upon searching my group and I found it hard to find someone available due to their exam times etc. This is because we wanted to interview a possible nutritionist for our show. Thankfully as luck would have it, one of my friends contacted someone to be our guest (who she knows). Upon her contacting her we found that she ran in a lot of marathons and new quite a bit on nutrition. This prompted me to draw up the following questions:

Interview Questions (For Marathon Runner/Nutritionist)-plus introduction.

For those at home who don’t know can you tell the audience a bit about yourself…

  1. In your opinion what foods do you think surprise people as being really good for them?

2) Would you say insects are a great source of nutrition as lucky for Harry and me we’ll be trying them out?

3) Have you got your own weird and wonderful experience with food?

4) Now to finish, what’s your favorite Cocktail and your favorite dish that you like it to be accompanied with?

With these questions, I felt we could gain a better understanding of what our guest. Whilst also asking her some questions outside the box, prompting audience engagement and so forth. This could even prompt us featuring our guests twitter handle for our audiences to as her questions. Triggering more excitement and interest in our show and the educational side of weird and wonderful foods to (i.e an aspect of it).

One last thing I did was to look over our big mindmaps. This was to see how far we’ve incorporated those our ideas into our final idea. Check out all mindmaps below (constructed at the start of our TV Module):

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In reflection, today’s small session gave me a chance to look over all my groups promotion for our show. I’d say that we have done well so far, in really integrating social media into our project. From the use of stickies (Social Media Buttons), promotional photos and even tweets (personalized to our show specifically), we are beginning to hone in onto our target audience. Consisting of young adults (18+), who are avid foodies, cocktail drinkers etc. We have further implemented our audience in mind as we have opted for a later time slot for our show, due to the themes and nature of a show too as its very mature (considering we are basing our show around Cocktails).


161MC (CW2) TV Module: Practice Away

161MC (CW2) TV Module: Practice Away

Today, my group came together to try out the amended script. After running over it a few times, we realized how short it was. This prompted some of my group to stay behind, in order to amend it. Enabling both presenters (including myself) to start practicing it. One thing however which was picked up by our tutor (whilst we were presenting) was how stiff me and Harry were on camera. Although this was mainly down to nerves, we made sure to keep in mind to loosen up next time. Her suggestion was for us to record ourselves presenting, followed by us looking over the footage to see how camera-friendly we actually are. This would help us to see what areas of improvement we needed to make in due time.

See final script edit here: Presenter Script (Ash and Harry) Final

Amended Programme Template: Programme Template-Running Order

In editing the script, my peer Sophie added in many fillers. This helped it to flow better as it was quite rigid. Thus, in this way, we managed to add more personality and colour to the script itself. Further allowing us to be flexible with the reactions and intros from both presenters.

Upon reflection, today’s skills session helped my group come together. We managed to not only add to our running order but also figure out what else needed to be done by next week. Upon evaluating my own performance, I would say I listened and too constructive feedback well. I further made sure to gain feedback from my peers, in order to boost team morale and team satisfaction too.


161MC (CW2) TV Module: Practice Makes Perfect


Today my group and I went over our ‘roles sheet’. After a full discussion, my team decided it best for me to set individual tasks for all to complete. This particular sheet proved successful as many felt this kept this in the know more, of where they needed to be with the project. I further announced that I’d update the sheet weekly and update them by directly messaging their personalised to-do lists. This further ties into my side role as a presenter, as I am also responsible for my team as the main leader of authority. Thus have to make sure that all are kept up to speed and are pushing themselves every step of the way, as it’s a team effort.

See official doc here (Template): to do lists tv broadcast mod

As a group, we took part in a test run for ou show. This led us to make some tweaks to our competition elements and also our live performance. As we managed to think of many alternatives, ticking off some of our ‘to do list’ boxes along the way.

This led me to upload my script onto the cue machine. Upon doing so I noticed many errors in my formatting and also the content. Thus, after we had done a test run, I corrected the script for us to go over ‘officially’ the next day. Whilst also revisiting our mock dummy running order too at the same time.

Check out the full sheet here: Presenter Script (Ash and Harry) Final

Very Rough Dummy Order

  • Intro (35 seconds)
  • History of Cocktails (SOURCE BASED VT)- 15 seconds
  • Audience Interaction- Send in your own weird and wonderful creations
  • Food Student: Interview (Nutrition Student)- Special Guest (2 minutes)

*Have reactions with content

  • Weird and Wonderful Food (Amsterdam) (VT2)- 1 minute
  • Live Performance Slot Bushtucker Trail Competition (audience to tweet in reactions live)- Create full menu, presenters to see menu. They’ll then be blindfolded and tasted food in different order. (-1 minute)
  • Cocktail Master class (VT)- 30-45 seconds
  • Poem submission-weird and wonderful foods Competition (-1 minute)
  • Live Demo (Bushtucker Competition)
  • Live Demo (Make Cocktails)

*Live Performance (Critter Bug Tasting)- Bring Cocktails on set?

*Website Competition: Submit your weird and wonderful poems

*Live Cocktails (go over make contact and set up link)- go on to website…. And here’s one we made earlier.

After the session, I created fan pages for both presenters (Myself and Harry). This was because (as a team) we felt it would be more ‘interactive’ for our audiences to get to know us before hand via our fan pages. Thus feeling more inclined to watch our show in this way. Tuning in with us for our official show on a Friday at 8pm (12th of May 2016).

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Upon reflecting, today’s studio skills session proved successful. This was because many came together and tried out various equipment. Whilst further seeing how some of our own material fitted on screen (even featuring our source based VT too). Further making me feel quite confident and proud of my group,as we began to tie everything together. Evaluating my own performance, I’d say I kept all my team informed and organized. Whilst making sure all were up to the right speed of where we are with our main tv magazine programme.


161MC (CW2) TV Module: Write, Discuss, Write (Extended Post)


Yesterday my team and I wrote up our plan of action for the next coming weeks:

See document here: Latest 161MC TGB SHEET

In doing so, we managed to come up with a full timetable and a to-do list too. This would ensure us completing particular tasks in a well planned time frame (with this sheet).

Note: Sheet includes amendments done after group gathering.

Upon meeting, we also thought about what was left to film. In doing so, we decided to scrap our plans to film in Coventry, Birmingham or London. The reason being that we just wouldn’t have enough time to film everything, especially if we were to change our set design.

Thus, after agreeing on this we drew in all our footage that we had accumulated already. This included our VT for Amsterdam, Source based VT and other VT (Cocktail Masterclass in progress).

After the meeting, my peer (Sophie) and I decided to go prop shopping. We had agreed that we’d write up a full budget very soon, where we’d distribute all expenses between the whole team. As we prop shopped, we bought summer glitter paper, settling on an Idea that my peer had. In which she’d coat a lip balm stick with the glitter paper, for me to use on set. Making it fit into the environment and the show in a non-random way.

Upon concluding our shopping trip we discussed our possible backup plan for the Cocktail Masterclass. Originally we had hoped to film at JJ’s, however, this did not work out. Mainly citing time constraints as an important factor in refusal (as such), plus lack of communication too (due to busy period).  Thus, we decided that we’d film a dummy version of the cocktail masterclass with myself as the subject. This would then be shown in our next team meeting where we’d feedback to all.

Another thing which my peer and I discussed then was our set. Now after the meeting that day, we’d decided that creating a set from scratch would be best.The first idea was created by another of our peers-Atanas. Atanas drew out his artistic vision (which was impressive). It included a pink waterfall and a monkey plus a snake. Upon him telling us his idea, he explained the various elements to it along the way. Although this idea was articulated well, my peer and I decided a backup idea would be best. This was because we felt the theme would restrict our programme too much as it would send out a ‘jungle message’ when that’s not what our show is about. Although if it were simply jungle centred then it would work better. But as it only fits into our show in the VT slot (at the moment) it would not, considering the main central theme is cocktails followed by weird foods (for the first episode).

However upon my peer and I visualising it and getting some feedback from her mum (who has some experience in the media industry in designing) we came up with the following (with her assistance):

Set Ideas

  • Barbie and Ken
  • Massive Cocktail Glass

With these particular set features, we felt it would work not only better but also work out cheaper too. This could also feed into the show’s central theme (which of course is Cocktails). However at the same time could include different topics for the show. For example, one episode could be about beaches (meaning glass could be filled with sand and pebbles), whilst another week our episode could be focused on fashion (thus glass could be filled with clothes). This would get our audience’s (young adults) attention straight away whilst keeping them excited throughout. As for the Ken and Barbie Idea (that Sophie’s mum came up with), this could add to the extravagant and bonkers nature of our show if we were able to change our time slot. As we’d have dolls within cocktail glasses in various ‘night time’ positions.

My peer and I also came up with creating our set background as a mood board. This could possibly involve us using cardboard or any other material to stick stuff on. Adding various novelties to small items which would fit into our episodes (i.e cocktails and weird food-bugs and cocktail olives etc.)

To conclude yesterday’s activities really varied as we got a lot done whilst thinking on the go at the same time. One stand out experience would have to be when Sophie taught me how to make cocktails in her bar. This was as much fun as it was challenging (due to the steadiness of my hands). Afterwards, we decided that both presenters would take part in Cocktail Masterclass (VT2). Further deciding to have me and Harry go head to head (promoting audience engagement). We’d possibly have a blackboard on the back of the bar with ‘cocktail specials’ written across the board (below neon sign). This would create more of a Cocktail Bar atmosphere, adding to the central theme of our show (alongside weird foods).

Finally, we ended our short film day by taking some small videos and stills for the website. This included me  modelling with the cocktails whilst creating a little ‘get ready’ routine for the camera too.

Sophies Bar:



Today I met with my co-presenter for our show (Harry), to go over the full script. Please see attached document for fully revised version:

Presenter Script (Ash and Harry) Final

Upon reflection, we inputed individual ideas equally. Whilst listening to each other on each creative input. This helped us to organise and plan out our script well. Further prolonging enthusiasm and team morale too.

I further advertised a post for our interview slot:

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161MC (CW2) TV Module: Online Impact/Media Properties Lecture


This week’s lecture involved learning about ‘online impact and media properties’. This was of significance to all, as one aspect of our brief included that we make a website using ‘Wix.com’.

The lecture touched on the pro’s and cons of website navigation, whilst delving into audience satisfaction too (triggered by ‘clicks’). It aimed to give us a better understanding of how we could create the best website possible. Further making us think how we could involve the following elements into our own websites:

  • Usability (how easy it is to navigate website)
  • Functionality (search, e-commerce,downloads,3rd party widgets/apps. Forums etc.
  • Accessibility- any large website (not yours) to be accessible to those who are visually impaired etc.
  • Appearance
  • Content
  • Stickiness (why would I come back to website)?
  • Findability-SEO

The main brief was also revisited in the lecture. This helped us to make sure we stayed on the ball, as we could check all our website element creations along the way with it.

In thinking about our own website, the following was discussed (with all my team)

Our Website: http://thegrandbizarre.wix.com/mysite

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To change:

  • Move about page to the end. Put ‘about us’ description into home section
  • Move video (SB VT) to cocktail section
  • Make social links bigger
  • Only have a footer on ‘contact us’ page! Keep all social accounts on each page.
  • Have About Us page near end, followed by Contact us page
  • “News” (what’s new) page
  • Coming Soon page
  • Put credits into meet the team
  • Meet the team tab. Have each picture go to an *external profile-
  • *Scrap external profiles but create Facebook fan pages.
  • Meet the team sec-cancel ‘show more’ button-add in scroll down

Twitter: Create ‘Behind the Scenes’ for twitter (each role)

Our site roles were also thought of, after hearing about them all in detail in the lecture:

  1. Editor (Sophie)
  2. Sub-editor (or editorial assistant)-Ash
  3. Site architecture (Sophie, Jordan)
  4. Graphic design (Sophie & Liam)
  5. Sticky content producer x2 (Ash)
  6. Video content producer x2 (Sophie, Jeremie, Atanas)
  7. Photography (Nelson/Sophie)
  8. Copy writing x2 (Dana and Ash)

My role included being put down for ‘sticky content producer’ and ‘copy writing’. The first will involve me integrating competitions to the site, whilst I think about how I can prolong audience interaction by making them come back. I may also create fan pages for both myself and Harry (in order for the audience to get to know us in detail). As for copywriting, this will involve me proof-reading the whole site for spelling errors etc.

Reflection: This week’s lecture gave me a better insight on how the aesthetics and content stand at the forefront of any successful website. I further learnt the do’s and dont’s of website creating and the rise of social media affecting website use. Considering that social media integration forms a big part of any website that wants to reach to the masses. This helped me and my team to put what we learnt in the lecture, in action. Making us thinking about our own website and how we can modify it to an even better standard. Thus blitzing it out with more audience interaction feeds, external pages and so forth. Keeping in mind the main aim to get audiences to visit our website more than once!


161MC(CW2) TV Module: Coventry, Birmingham or London?



In preparation for our tv magazine programme, a few of my peers and I came together to discuss our filming outing (setting it into motion a few weeks ago). After thinking it over, researching and visualising, we managed to think of a route we’d take to get the right shots to appear on our green screen (in the new tv studio).

Check out our full conversation below:






Upon discussing, my peer and I came up with using the footage as a “guess the place” segment. This would prolong audience interaction as they could tweet/email in the right answer. We could then possibly reveal their twitter handle, to congratulate the. Further interacting with them through our programme too.

Next Weeks To-Do List:


Reflection: Upon organising this trip, my peer and I stayed committed and driven. After planning fully and researching places to go, we kept in mind our programme theme each step of the way. We further made sure to think about expenses and costs (which we’d draw up, on our budget when possible).

161MC (CW2) TV Module: TGB Team Unite!


This week proved a little challenging, as many from our team were away in Amsterdam. This was because they had set off to get material there, along with all their other media peers.

Before our team set off they loaned out a 360 camera, some standard cameras, and a Go Pro. With these tools, they set off around Amsterdam to create pans of the beautiful and artistic city. Whilst capturing our PA/Social media producer ‘Brandon Murphy’ eating some traditional Amsterdam delicacies such as fish and even some sweet confectionary items too.  They also set out to the town to garner reactions from the city people of what weird and wonderful foods they liked. This particular task was kept as a back up, considering we could manipulate that footage here in the UK as an alternative.

This week, as the team leader of the group I managed to get the following done (along with my team):

  1. Presenting our official website to all team members, whilst getting feedback: http://thegrandbizarre.wix.com/mysite

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Final Programme Schedule: Programme Template

2. Running Order (Rough Edit)

  • Intro
  • History of Cocktails (SOURCE BASED VT)
  • Cocktail Masterclass (VT)
  • Audience Interaction- Send in your own weird and wonderful creations
  • Interview (Nutrition Student)- Special Guest

– Have reactions with content (guest to do this, plus presenters)

  • Weird and Wonderful Food (Amsterdam) (VT2)
  • Bushtucker Trail Competition (audience to tweet in reactions live)- Create full menu, presenters to see menu. They’ll then be blindfolded and tasted food in different order.
  • Competition- Try to get a free entry card for JJ’s for someone to win (who submits their best weird and wonderful cocktail)?
  • Sort competition before show but integrate into show as it’s live (but its not)- “don’t call in as competition has closed”.

*Source Based VT’s: Our research team has found some excellent videos on the formation of cocktails. In each episode, we’ll show you a new video. Today’s video highlights the utensils needed for a cocktail. You can check out the full video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZRl7xl772o) on our website.

*See where____ is going next to find the best cocktails: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SH5hGisUY-E&spfreload=5

Another thing which was accomplished was promoting our ‘performance slot’. This garnered my attention after one of my peers suggested to source out a ‘live band’ as oppose to using our peer (as they had a lot of responsibility already).

Thus, I began to draft up a short post, in order to advertise for our search (see below):


I also emailed a possible VT source, via Gmail. He replied to me after, which I was very happy about. The source highlights the history of cocktails and is as much informative as it is visually striking too. I further integrated the video into our website too, adding Marks twitter handle as well. Further making my thoughts vocal on the whole video to my group:

“What I’m thinking is we could use the first 17 seconds then put the link up on our website. So in this way our audience can watch it later. It’s quite wacky too. For example the video references Aztec Princesses and Cocktails #Weird and Wonderful :))”.

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Updated Twitter Content (edited by me):

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Edited VT (Source Based)- Following Marks Approval:

Amended Roles Sheet:

G2 Studio roles

‘Performance slot’ enquiry:


Upon reflecting, this week’s progress has been good. I would say, that we all stayed motivated and dedicated throughout. Whether we were filming abroad or brainstorming ideas down here (In Coventry). We made sure to keep in strong contact, whilst reminding each other about the programme brief and the amount of time we have for our programme too (which is 10 Minutes).

Although we still have a long way to go in a short amount of time. I believed in all of us strongly, as we make sure to always push each other on every occasion. This adds to the type of team we are. Considering we all show tenacity and passion in everything we do/pitch to each other. It’s for this reason that we’ll keep enduring and challenging ourselves and each other, to make our show the truest and  grandest of all bizarre magazine shows, one as have ever seen!



161MC(CW2) TV Module: Presenting Time (Planning Stage)

In order to prep myself for my presenting role (for this particular module), I started to do the following research:

  • Watching up on episodes of ‘The Graham Norton Show’and ‘Alan Carr’.
  • Taking mental notes of the styles of presenting that were adopted by both hosts (i.e minimal flamboyant to overture).
  • Understanding the importance of audience satisfaction.
  • Listening to podcasts from ‘BBC Academy’, whilst taking in various suggestions and tips from well-known presenters.

After this was done, I started to mind map all my thoughts (see images below):
*includes notes from ‘BBC Academy: How to Present’ Podcast.

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Upon reflecting, I now know what skills I need to develop in order to present. Further understanding the importance of audience interaction and audience engagement too.

One thing, which I’ll keep in mind throughout is my enthusiasm and my ability to communicate. Considering that our show will feature live guests which I’ll need to engage with well in order for our show to work.

Another thing which I’ll think about is my movement on set. This is because I’ve realised the importance of staying in shot. Further realising that if I were to move too much then it would be quite hard for the cameras to follow. Thus by keeping in shot (as much as possible), I’d make it easier for the camera crew too.

Going back to Alan Carr and Graham Norton, there shows in particular really represent their personality. It’s this which has really inspired me to keep my cheerful and wacky personality on set. It’s in this way that I really feel I’ll be able to draw in more audience views (along with my co-presenter). Considering that we’ll make sure to carry our chemistry on set all the way to the audiences screens. This will further add to our site traffics, as they may be interested in seeing our profiles on our website (which is a possible integration we’ll think about for our website later on).


161MC(CW2) TV Module: Being The Team Leader

161MC(CW2) TV Module: Being The Team Leader

First off, I believe having a team leader is pivotal in any group. For me, a team leader is not only organised but is always on the ball. They are someone who is ahead of the game when it comes to organising meetings and keeping the team in check. Furthermore, the team leader adopts a “Like A Boss” attitude. This attitude consists of fairness, confidence, self-discipline and kindness. It’s about having an extra stride in your step and accomplishing each task with your team in mind.

For my 161mc (CW2): TV Module I was put in charge of my whole team. Thus leaving the baton of organisation and discipline in my hands. It’s here that I made sure all stayed punctual when attending meetings (as best as they could)) whilst contributing a consistent amount of ideas throughout.

So far I would say I’m enjoying being the leader of my group. For me organisation, punctuality and also confidence makes up a big part of me professionally. This is because I strive for order and also presentation, believing that there truly is no I in TEAM.

To conclude, as a note to myself I would say the following:

  • Keep all the team ‘united’ at every turn.
  • Stay on target for main deadline, whilst ensuring extra time for touch ups etc.
  • Keep self in the game mentally and physically, being on the ball always.
  • Monitor teams progression at every corner, through conversation and completion of tasks too.

Vomzi (2016) Free like A boss GIF. Available at: http://vomzi.com/like-a-boss-gif-410 (Accessed: 18 April 2016).

Fitoor (2016)-Extended Film Review

Fitoor (2016)-Extended Film Review

Recently I watched the 2016 Bollywood Film by Abhishek Kapoor titled Fitoor.

Based on the English Novel ‘Great Expectations’ by Charles Dickens, this Bollywood adaptation (titled ‘Obsession’ in English) certainly invokes colour into a very macabre filled love story. Although extremely slow paced, Fitoor takes it’s time to draw the audience into a love that is destined to fail via the likes of Lady Havisham or in this case Begum.

In short, the plot revolves around a poor yet talented Kashmiri boy who becomes a stable boy, after an encounter with Begum (Lady Havisham). He is instantly besotted by her daughter ‘Firdaus’. Begum quickly latches on to this and sends her daughter away. After doing so, she issues Noor with a warning, saying that he should ‘become something’ in order to win Firdaus’ heart (as it’s not so easy to do so). However as the story progresses Noor  faces many more challenges in being with Firdaus. Will he be reunited with his muse and lover? Or is his love story with Firdaus tainted due to Begums terrible and scarring experience with love? One that she fears will repeat itself with Firdaus if she doesn’t take care of her and lead her in the right direction.

Personally, I found the films run time to be excessively long. This was extended by the slow delivery of some of the dialogue (during the first half of the film). However after the second half of the film comes underway, one’s attention begins to be fixed to the screen once again. I’d say, watch

I’d say, watch Fitoor for its stunning cinematography and its fiery use of the colors red and brown, plus  its well-constructed characters too. Further indulge in ‘Fitoor’ locations. Ranging from the mystical yet grungy Kashmir (under a blanket of snow), to the royal streets of London and to the cultural places of Delhi (such as the Taj).

A highlight of the film (for me) would have to be Miss Havisham’s (Begum) story. This is because her character has been built up so well and really exuberates Charles Dickens character creation of her here. This is because she is the right kind of crazy, considering that she has been brutally been let down by love. Thus, she is bitter and alone, fearing every day that the same does not happen to her beloved Firdaus (thus does everything she can to stop this from happening).

Right from an excellent portrayal by Tabu and Aditi Rao Hydari (who plays Young Begum), the emotion and bitterness certainly gets turned up, in a very harrowing and dramatic way. Both actresses make you follow Begums story right from the beginning in a very fast-paced sequence . They make you feel each emotion very personally, touching a chord with you as they go along. Thus for me, the character of Begum stood out the most and kept me watching throughout the whole film. Along with the subtle yet eye-catching chemistry of both the leads (Kaif and Kapoor-who play Firdaus and Noor).

Rating: 7.5/10

Experience true love, honor, loyalty and past experiences of love, in this particular Charles Dickens Adaptation (by Bollywood director Abhishek Kapoor). Let the star-studded performances enthrall you, especially from renowned actress Tabu (who certainly will not let you out of her grasp, as the mystifyingly ruined Begum).

Check out the official trailer below (with subtitles):


1) UTV Motion Pictures (2016) Fitoor official trailer | Aditya Roy Kapur | Katrina Kaif | Tabu | in Cinemas Feb. 12. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZLDoF7VfaQ (Accessed: 13 April 2016).

2) TumbNation (All Rights Reserved) and Akaashvaani-Tumblr (2016) #Kaif (Fitoor Gifs)-Abhishek Kapoor’s ‘Fitoor’. Available at: http://www.tumbnation.com/tumblr-tag/kaif (Accessed: 13 April 2016).