4 week Film Project: Script (full folder)

Script: (By Ash)

4 week film project

Working title: Man In Coma…….

Record and overlap thoughts “victim pg”= more chaotic

Dialogue: First scenes (victim pg.)

Victim: Why did you do this to me? What did I do to you that was so cruel? This isn’t what I thought my life would be. Do I now seek solace with my darkest demons or will you follow me there too?. Why is it that I cannot escape. What is this place? Let the shackles of my soul be released or let me be forever trapped.

Dialogue: Will play when over the shoulder shot of villain begins.

(sentences layered upon in scene), below:

Villain: You asked for it. Don’t squander on the small things. Think about how I feel. No one ever thinks about me. Understand that what I did to you, sets my game into motion. You formed a small part of it, but don’t think for a second that I’m done. I will always haunt you in your darkest dreams. Where ever you run, I’ll find you, I’ll find you….. Your demons will never die….

I then passed on my extracts to one of the group members (Liam). He then formulated my words into a full length script, adding his flare too. With contributions from the other group members also included.


A slow heartbeat can be heard as well as a heartbeat monitor, an overlay of hospital chatter and other ambient sounds. A MAN lies in a hospital bed coma bound and still. The room is bare and heavily exposed in white. It shows no other sign of life.


The MAN opens his eyes and looks around, they begin to close again but he hears a noise and jolts awake. He sees a blurred distorted image of a man in a winter hat standing over him, he is incredibly unsettled by the sight of this dark figure.


The MAN tries to stand in the hospital but stumbles to the ground and hits his head.

The MAN stands in front of a blank white screen (limbo purgatory style, all in his mind) he looks around looking angry and scared then notices someone with him to the side. Who exactly the man sees is unknown.


Why did you do this to me? What… What did I do to you that was so cruel to deserve this?!

SCENE 4. EXT/INT. White room/dark street. HOSPITAL/city.


So what now? This isn’t what I thought my life would be. Do I now seek solace with my darkest demons? Or will you follow me there too? Why is it that I cannot escape? What is this place? (SHOUTING) Let the shackles of my soul be released or let me be forever trapped!

The MAN sees visions of himself walking away from an unseen entity, his footsteps have become fiercer and fiercer, his breathing is heavy and he looks extremely worried. There are another set of footsteps behind him but he can’t figure out who or what it is. He turns around and no-one is there, he begins acting paranoid, thinking it is all in his head. He looks deep into the distance and hears a bottle move in a street to his side, after a closer look he sees a figure in a hat staring at him.


The MAN begins running down the street, being chased by the figure in the hat he makes a turn down an alley and gets cornered to a wall, he turns as the mysterious figure turns the corner and pulls out a gun on the man.

Mysterious figure

You think what I did was cruelty? No, it was justice for the lives you destroyed. What you did that night.

The man begins seeing flashes of articles detailing a drunken hit and run of which he was acquitted.


That sets the game into motion. Now think about how we feel. No-one focuses on the victims, only the killer. Well tonight I’m getting my moment. You form a small part of it but don’t think for a second, that after this I’m done. I will always haunt you in your darkest nightmares, even after I’m gone. Wherever you run, I’ll find you. I’ll be right here.

The mysterious figure points to his head.


Your demons will never die.

(The End)

4 Week Film Project (Continued: Week 1): “Man in Coma….”

Following on from yesterday’s session we all met up to discuss our project. However 3 of our members were absent for their own reasons. Due to this I made sure I made all my notes available for them, via our film group on ‘WhatsApp’.

During the session I compiled a deconstructed version of our film:


As a group we then fed back to each other about the notes I compiled.

This ensured that all of us were on the same page. Or in some kind of agreement on where our film was going to go. This further helped us to delegate roles between each other. Whilst leaving the roles open too, so that everyone could pitch in where necessary. In order for them to not only learn new skills but also learn from others.

After this we discussed the organisation of our pitch for the next day. Eventually deciding on keeping to the point and maybe leaving the floor open to the audience. Whilst understanding that at the same time our pitch would be just a few minutes in total.

During our presentation the main feedback we received was positive. However one thing which was pointed out was to make sure the stories (from both sides) didn’t get too complex as its only a short film.

This was then followed by gathering some sounds to create our soundscape(s). For example we looked at heartbeat sounds to footsteps. This gave us an idea of what the sounds would be like. After discussing this we finished our meet and decided to send over some sounds to Jana or Eddie. In order for them to edit them appropriately in the right way.

4 Week Film Project (WEEK 1): Production Diary “Man in Coma……..”

Today my group went over all of our ideas, pointing out the main theme between them. This theme being psychology based (which was a central theme among all of our ideas). I then got out my notepad and noted the following things, which all of us contributed too (see images below, after word buster image).

Before this was done I thought I’d go around my group asking them to give me a word revolving around the chosen theme. The results were as follows (image below). This helped us to make sure that everyone’s ideas’ were included in the piece. For example Allan liked the idea of individuals being linked with an object. So we thought: “how about making the object the killer in a very distorted way?”. Leaving it up to the audience to decide what it is they are actually looking at, adding to the enigma of the piece itself.


All our ideas were then collated in the following way: Dido (drugs: used for comma), Liam (idea of morality), Jana (Coma), Allan (dreaming) etc. We then put all of these ideas into one plot (explained in images below/above).

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For this we all decided on using things we already had (i.e Liam: prop gun), to making the things we needed (sourcing necessary items from junk yards or poundland). We also thought about using a balaclava for the victim (Jeremie). Whilst for costumes we opted  for casual wear.

After deliberating on this we started to plan out the story. Eventually drawing up one of the drafts we agreed upon at the end of our meeting.

Next we decided that we should have the victims story first, followed by the antagonists after. For example we planned out the events as:

Man in coma: Fades in to nurse treating him. Then flashbacks to the killer running towards victim. Screen then cuts to black. We then see the killer’s point of view, with the victim being shown in a different light. Which will be presented after we see a newspaper clipping of the scene (highlighting danger and so forth). There will then be a short chase between the victim and the killer. This will be followed by running and a shooting. The screen will then cut to black, with a heartbeat monitor playing in the background, eventually cancelling out. Rounding off our 3 min plus film, to its conclusion.

During the session roles were also distributed:

Actors: Dido (Antagonist) and Eddie (Victim)

Script/Make-up and Promotion: Ash (Myself)

Editing and Storyboard: Liam

Camera operator: Jeremie

Sound/Promotion and Make-up: Jana

Filming: All

All members of group: Me, Jana, Liam, Dido, Reena, Jeremie, Allan and Eddie and Matthew.

Furthermore as a collaborative we thought we’d all pitch in where necessary, so that we were included in everything by the final stage, where appropriate.

Week 1 (105 MC) Reflections (Media and Communications) on “Man with a Movie Camera”

Man with a Movie Camera

For me media studies involves deconstructing various forms of media. Analysing it’s content, production value, presentation, initial development and final development etc. For example, a certain clip from a film or even an extract from a magazine. It’s about bringing together all of our ideas about the media and putting it into one. This involves voicing our opinions, whilst accepting that we may not always be right. This is because the media can be interpreted in various ways (i.e through themes, ideologies etc.). It’s about looking deeper within a particular piece of media. Understanding it’s content plus it’s presentation. Whilst also considering the effects it has on us as individuals to various messages encoded within it.

Today in our small groups within 105mc we looked at M.W.A.M.C (link above, at the top).
First off, our groups consisted of those doing media production, media communications and/or digital media. Furthermore our groups included individuals from different backgrounds (i.e from abroad). This added to the diversity of all the groups. Considering we’d be learning from each other. Solidifying our strengths and working on our weaknesses. By working off of each other, as our strong points may lye differently with the other.

My group C6 then stayed behind and discussed the video, within the task set. Highlighting all our views, whilst comparing the similarities and differences between our opinions.

From todays arrangement I am beginning to understand what the module will be like. For example upon watching the video (link above) we were asked to make some notes on it. These notes were then used as a basis of discussion within our group (C6). This made me think about not only my own views but also others. Considering we could then debate with each other on our opinions in an insightful yet honest way.

Overall I believe the approach to module 105 MC includes us in our group coming together as a collaborative, sharing our ideas in an open and respectful way. Further enabling us to learn from each other about the various views and opinions we all may share as individuals. Helping us to not only be independent but to think about the media form in a variety of ways. For example, almost thinking about different perspectives we may have about the text, even if we may not agree fully with them. Thus opening our minds up more to the endless possibilities of the media text, in the way it may be interpreted to how it may be presented to. Communicating with each other about how we perceive the text, to how someone else may perceive it. Thus appreciating all of our ideas and opinions along the way.

105 MC Worksheet 1 work:
In our groups consisting of those doing media production and/or digital media to media communications. We sat down after the session and started going over the worksheet. One of my team members Katherine jotted down responses for the tasks, which we all contributed too.

Source: 105MC blog
Answers (images):


Library: Art Folio Section: “The Price of Beauty”

The following text includes references to the books: The Velvet Hammer Burlesque By Michelle Carr (ISBN: 978-3-89955-202-7), Berlin, 2008 and Dolce Vita Style By Jean-Pierre Dufreigne (ISBN: 2843237319), Coverart: 1958

The Price of Beauty plus Perception

The Velvet Hammer Burlesque: (image 1)

This picture below really stood about among the rest of the images in the burlesque book. This is because a lot of the images were very provocative and showed a lot of skin. Mainly highlighting the nipple area a lot. The image below shows a different side of burlesque as it shows 2 individuals taking their profession very seriously, treating it as a piece of art. The reason i’m perceiving this particular image in this way is because the photo is unusually tamed. Thus stands out amongst the rest. Especially as it’s not pleasing the viewer/reader (mainly males) in a fetishistic way, like the other images are (most of them). The picture is even more unique in the way that the models are looking away from the camera. This is even more unusual as burlesque dancers are very fierce and loud. Thus like to be the centre of attention in their photos, showing off their upper body and their costumes too.

The link below explores the velvet hammer burlesque world:

The Velvet Hammer Burlesque

The Poubelle Twins (P.37)
The Poubelle Twins (P.37)

Laura Mulvey’s Male Gaze Theory fits into this particular book. The reason for this being that the burlesque world is quite pleasing for males. Thus in a way many of the images are very voyeuristic, not to mention fetishistic as they portray women as objects of sexual desire and nothing else. However the image above in a way subverts this. The reason I feel it does is because it’s not a typical burlesque photo. For example the images below (also in the book) showcase the male gaze instantly. This is because all the images are entirely fetishistic. considering the poses are very sexual and explicit, thus are instantly engaging to the male eye. Therefore make a clear example of images which are not only provocative but also ones which fit into Mulvey’s theory. Through the body language of the individuals (females) and also their sultry looks too, as everything about them is sexually objectified in one shot and one shot entirely.


In contrast Dolce Vita Style showcases the glamour of the 1960’s.However upon showcasing the glamour, it relies heavily on the male gaze. Now although this theory was not around then, some of the images are very voyeuristic and deeply sexual. They also showcase dominance, especially from the male figures. The picture below emulates this well. It showcases the woman pleasing the males by putting on a strip tease, knowing all eyes are on her. Thus showcases Mulveys theory in one take as the female is using her body to gain attention , with her being objectified sexually instantly.

p.107 (Dolce Vita Style, Dufreigne)
p.107 (Dolce Vita Style, Dufreigne)

I believe that the price of beauty comes into scope here. Mainly because many may perceive burlesque dancers and females who put themselves into the limelight as “male pleasers”. When in actual fact they may love what they do, thus may feel empowered to do it. Therefore feel that they are not doing it to please males sexually, but instead doing it for themselves. Thus the price of beauty may be the idea of perception. In the way that burlesque dancers may be looked at very sexually. Due to what they do, but they may just find what they are doing is art, thus may overlook the sexual gratification men receive from them. Whereas the second book glamourises the glamour of the 1960’s which includes males dominating the females. However some females may have been Independent in the way they represented themselves. Thus almost move past how they were portrayed in photographs as being lower in authority than the males, when they may even have earned more. Thus its important to ask the question : Does beauty come at a price? Can it only be used to “please” males?

Being Transgender

First off in a nutshell “Transgender” can be termed as two things: A female trapped inside a male body or a male trapped inside a female body.

For me my curiosity of those who are transgender/those living with a parent or other who are transgender, really stems from the media. In particular, two tv shows which offer an insight on transgender individuals and so forth.

The first TV show is “TLC’s: I Am Jazz” (follow trailer link below)

 Image courtesy of LocateTV.com

I Am Jazz (Intro)

A few years ago Jazz was interviewed by 20/20. The interview itself offers additional information on what transgender means. With additional view points from Jazz’s parents, in particular Jazz’s mom. (Link Below)

Jazz (20/20 Interview)

The second TV show is “ABC Family’s: Becoming Us” (follow trailer link below)

 Image courtesy of etonline.com

Becoming Us (promos)

Quite recently (June 2015) the main cast of ABC Family’s Docu-Series “Becoming Us” spoke to “The View” regarding the programme itself and the transgender community/the impact of the programme.

Follow link: Becoming Us (The View Interview)

On the whole the main message in both programmes is about family unity. Whats interesting is that although “I Am Jazz” follows the journey of 14-year-old Jazz and “Becoming Us” follows the journey of an older Adult (Carly). Both programmes are very similar in how they portray family unity. Considering this is done by showing the struggles, the high points and even low points of what it’s like to not only be someone who is transgender but also to see how their family is affected by it. Furthermore those which are not really educated on what its like to be transgender, struggle to realise that it’s not a choice. Thus are quite confused when they find out that one cannot help if they actually feel like they are trapped inside a body which is not theirs (i.e a girl trapped inside a boy’s body vice versa).

I guess for me what really touched a nerve as far as my curiosity goes was putting myself in the shoes of not only the families but also the individual who was transitioning into the person they felt they were all along. This really touched a cord in me, as it made me appreciate family more. In particular my parents who have been supportive of the decisions I make in life.

Furthermore the message of both programmes is to create awareness on what its like to be transgender. However whats interesting is that none of them gloss over anything, as they are very raw and honest. Thus boosting audience appeal in the long run as they engage with them more. Both programmes are also quite comedic in the way that they present all things transgender. This is good, so far as opening up the audiences eyes slowly to this topic of discussion at hand. As many may have reservations in accepting those who are transgender as they are uneducated as to what it’s really all about. With the main thing being that everyone is a person and that everyone needs to be happy. However many individuals are not always born as who they want to be.

Thus the reality can either make or break you. In terms of how you cope with the way that you are. This may involve living life as a particular gender for a certain amount of years, until finding the courage to actually change but hurting those around you in a heartbeat. As a woman may lose her husband vice versa in the aftermath thus its about how everyone deals with it as a whole, which can be very challenging at times. For me it’s just about being who you are and these two programmes really emulate this idea of “breaking free” from the gender you were assigned with at birth which you weren’t supposed to be assigned with in the first place but were. Thus its really about finding the courage and strength to really be happy in the body you were destined to be in, in the first place.