Welcome to your Media Production blog!

Welcome to the Media Production. If you are seeing this post you have successfully uploaded the XML template file to start your university course blog.

Along the top of the page you should see links to other pages within the blog which include;

– Your HOME page is where your ‘blog posts’ will appear in a continuous time-line, with the most recent at the top. Most of your blogging will be done on this page.

– The HOW TO page features a quick guide to get you started with blogging, from creating pages to posting images and text, you’ll find the answers here.

– The CU RESOURCES page links to essential Coventry University pages and resources that you will need to use as a student, these include the Library website and the Media Loan Shop page.

– includes the department social media policy on good practice & effective use of your social media plus links to keep in touch with events & opportunities within the Media department.

Feel free to delete this post after reading.